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By Unknown/Unelected Global “holders”
February 11, 2015 – Mr. Orrin Hatch (for himself, Mr. Blunt, Mr. Warner, Mr. Coons, and Mr. Inhofe) submitted the following Senate resolution on 02/05/2015: S.Res.71 – A resolution designating the week of February 8 through February 14, 2015, as “Internet Governance Awareness Week.”
Part of the “resolution” states, “Whereas on March 14, 2014, the National Telecom-munications and Information Administration (referred to in this preamble as the “NTIA”) announced its intent to transition these key Internet domain name functions to the global multistakeholder community; Whereas the transition process demonstrates that the United States supports and is committed to the multistakeholder model of Internet governance;…”
[end quote]
The American Resistance Party is displeased that the Marxist GOP Senators would willingly give up the American people’s control over their beloved internet to “global multi-stakeholders.” These global governors are not clearly identified, nor has there been proper public discussion regarding this matter.
The National Telecommunications and Information Administration is directly under the control of the white house illegal alien (BHO) as an executive branch lapdog.
See Senate Resolution at:
If you’d like more information about this topic, or to schedule an interview with Mr. Edward C. Noonan, Founder and National Committee Chairman: American Resistance Party, please call 530-777-3474 or email at: [email protected] Forward this email to 10 of your friends for a “free gift.” (bcc us for proof of your referral.)
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