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Judge rules for NSA in warrantless search case

Tuesday, February 10, 2015 21:52
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A multi-partisan activist group established to expose and resist US imperialism, corpora-terrorism, and the New World Order

Judge rules for NSA in warrantless search case | 10 Feb 2015 | A U.S. judge on Tuesday ruled in favor of the National Security Agency in a lawsuit challenging the interception of Internet communications without a warrant, according to a court filing. U.S. District Judge Jeffrey White in Oakland, California wrote the plaintiffs failed to establish legal standing to pursue a claim that the government violated the Fourth Amendment…Plaintiffs claim the lack of a warrant, combined with an absence of individualized suspicion, violates the Fourth Amendment. [Just shut the f*ckers' water off, as considered in Utah.]


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  • Everyone has been told that the CON-stitution and law automatically apply to everyone. it’s everyones opinion that it applies, everyone feels it applies, everyone believes it applies, everyone assumes and presumes it applies. HOWEVER;
    hearsay, opinions, feelings, beliefs, assumptions and presumptions aren’t proof of a damn thing.

    What factual, first hand, irrefutable evidence can anyone offer that proves that their CON-stitution and laws apply to the private person simply because they are physically in what we commonly refer to as a state.

    Keeping in mind that slavery and involuntary servitude is illegal “per their own law”. Further, no private person is a party to their CON-stitution nor is any private person a signatory to their CON-stitution, nor has any private person sworn an oath to be bound by or to obey the CONstitution and laws.

    Your proof MUST be factual and first hand, your proof/evidence shall not be comprised of hearsay, your opinions, beliefs, feelings, assumptions, presumptions, hypotheticals, conjecture, sophistry, fraud, lies, scenarios or what if’s.

    Good luck!

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