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Obama claims Paris attack was random violence

Wednesday, February 11, 2015 6:09
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(Before It's News)

obama laughing

Shades of Fort Hood being declared “workplace violence” to avoid having to call it what is is, yet another in the unending series of Islamic terror attacks. Via Vox

Vox Credibility 622

Look, the point is this: my first job is to protect the American people. It is entirely legitimate for the American people to be deeply concerned when you’ve got a bunch of violent, vicious zealots who behead people or randomly shoot a bunch of folks in a deli in Paris. We devote enormous resources to that, and it is right and appropriate for us to be vigilant and aggressive in trying to deal with that — the same way a big city mayor’s got to cut the crime rate down if he wants that city to thrive.

That’s exactly what happened. I a city of about 2.2 million, an Islamic radical randomly strolled into a random Jewish kosher deli in the hope so killing random Parisians. Naturally, the smart thinkers at Vox didn’t bother to stop fellating Obama to challenge this.

Things were a bit different at today’s White House press gaggle when ABC’s Jon Karl (who I expect to be fired daily for not following his script) challenged the spokes-gnome:

When the White House press corps sought clarification of the president’s statement from the press secretary, Josh Earnest, at the White House briefing on Tuesday, Earnest would not concede that the attack was not random.

“This was not a random shooting of a bunch of folks in a deli in Paris,” said Jonathan Karl of ABC News. “This was an attack on a kosher deli. Does the president have any doubt that those terrorists attacked that deli because there would be Jews in that deli?”

“It is clear from the terrorists and some of the writings they put out afterwards, what their motivation was,” Earnest replied. “The adverb that the president chose was used to indicate that the individuals who were killed in that terrible tragic incident were killed not because of who they were, but because of where they randomly happened to be.”

Earnest, the spokes-gnome, is simply lying through his teeth. The administration clearly decided to push the line that the deli shooting was random. Witness Exhibit B, the profoundly un-intelligent State Department flack Jen Psaki:

The State Department is backing up President Obama’s assertion in an interview with Vox that the victims of a terrorist attack on a kosher deli in Paris last month were targeted at “random.” The lead spokesperson for the State Department, Jen Psaki, said Tuesday: “They were not all victims of one background or one nationality.” Psaki emphasized that the store was a Jewish grocery but the people inside were targeted individually. Psaki is wrong, though: All four victims were Jewish (and buried in Israel). Furthermore, gunman Amedy Coulibay called from inside the store to a broadcast news outlet and said: “I have 16 hostages and I have killed four, and I targeted them because they were Jewish.”

To believe both the White House and State would pitch the “random attack” line without coordination is to mark oneself a moron. Both have since walked their stories back and attributed the attacks to anti-semitism, but they are still staunchly refusing to call it what it  was: Islamic terrorism.

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