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By Luis Miranda, The Real Agenda
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Putin checkmates Obama as Russia overcomes U.S. “diplomacy”

Thursday, February 12, 2015 6:37
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It was one minute to midnight in the U.S. instigated Ukrainian war just as it was a few months ago in Syria.

 Right when Barack Obama was prepared to advanced his war mongering policies, Vladimir Putin made another maestro move.

Mr. Putin proved once again that Russia cannot be compared to the Soviet Union. It cannot be painted blood red just because a few neocons want to. Putin’s success in avoiding war also proves that America is not exceptional at all.

In fact, America is the standard, the average, more of the same, the status quo. The United States is more of the same as it has been since the end of WWII, a war-mongering, genocide-pushing, free-nation-bombing, inquisition-loving country, whose population could not be living any further from reality.

Putin beating Obama and the United States war machine is not a surprise or a nuisance anymore. It is now more evident than ever before that Putin is more influential than Obama in the Western world. Putin has done something simple that Obama cannot.

Mr. Putin reaches out to fellow world leaders to negotiate peace and is successful at doing it while Obama sits at home preaching to everyone about how wonderful and unique America is and how strongly the United States supports democracy. Putin has politically humiliated Obama not because he is more powerful than the seating U.S. president, but because he has shown a stronger desire to avoid conflict.

Putin has been successful even in the Eastern hemisphere, shaking hands and making deals with China, India and Egypt. In the meantime, Obama foolishly trusts his Ministry of Propaganda, both in the United States and abroad, to spread disinformation about what the U.S. wants the world to do and to believe.

Unfortunately for Obama and his corporate backers, the spread of information is no longer in the hands of the mainstream media, a group of ideological and political prostitutes that can no longer deceive the public. While new media rises like the phoenix, mainstream media collapses on its own feces.

Both Europe and the East have learned that siding with Obama and the neocons on beating the drums of war is not profitable in any way. Although most heads of state, including those who achieved the ceasefire in Ukraine, are under the control of supranational institutions whose leaders are in turn owned by corporate interests, it has become more apparent that, due to public awakening, presidents and prime ministers are weary of following to global centralized control and instead have opted for sitting down to talk peace, growth and sovereignty rather than pushing war as a business, imposing austerity and yielding power to Brussels. In this Putin has also gotten ahead of Obama.

As president of Russia, Vladimir Putin has sat down to the negotiating table with China, Iran, India and Egypt to create trade relations in their own currencies, thus abandoning the artificially strengthened dollar. He has also negotiated two peace agreements in Syria and Ukraine while still directing, at Israel”s dispair, the nuclear disarmament negotiations between Iran and the West.

While Obama appears on national and international television to tell everyone how much of a realist he is, what his vision is and how hard is it to maintain stability around the world, Putin has shown Obama through actions and tangible results, how diplomacy, not war-mongering economic sanctions or catchy rhetoric, is still more successful than “twisting arms” and threatening countries with military might. Mr. Putin is light years ahead of the American president in using diplomacy and seeking peace agreements.

Peace is something America has not worked for in over half a century. No matter how much the USA Today hates it, in Ukraine, Putin has had the last laugh. Read the rest below at the source link


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Total 19 comments
  • Putin is the guy… :wink:

    • Thanks Mark. Agreed, at the very least, Putin has stood up over the last few years and helped to avert the US Syria agenda planned back in 2001. They have hit Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, and the list still includes Syria, Iran. Putin knows how the game is played, and has contributed more to “peace” than the US hegemony has. Wars are profit tools, at the expense of everyone. Many folks across Europe and within Ukraine, KNOW who is behind the unrest.

  • Obama came out again yesterday and said he runs “The Most Transparent” Administration in the History of the USA. :mrgreen:

  • Yeah, you can get info our of the current government, so transparent! But it’s ALL screened, and you are only allowed information they care to let you know. None of it is important to our current affairs. They are only releasing semi-important things from 40 years ago.

  • Absolutely stunning to see you write of “Ministry of Propaganda” as if it eminates from DC.. Obama may be a terrible President, but Ukraine was never about the US, despite what you idiots think. And to consider Putin as some kind of hero is beyond words. He, not the US, instigated the war in Ukraine and HE, not the US, is responsible for the thousands of deaths and destruction in Ukraine. Any of you imbeciles who think otherwise, are simply incapable of reason or comprehending truth.

    • feedthemoon1

      That is an absolutely idiotic statement. Maybe you should try taking off the media-friendly mind-forged manacles and – I dunno -use this little thing called the internet to do some actual research yourself? — There is youtube footage of Victoria Nuland openly boasting that the USA has pumped FIVE BILLION DOLLARS into de-stabilising Ukraine. The Ukranian coup was largely led by ultra-nationalist neo-nazis (again easily verifiable) and spearheaded by a puppet oligarch who stole billions from Russia.
      Half of Ukraine consider themselves Russian, and speak Russian – however the US-backed Ukranian junta have outlawed the Russian language even though it is many people’s natural tongue. –Imagine if Russia orchestrated the same thing in, say, Canada, or Mexico. How would the Americans expect their President to respond?
      –Oh, and while you’re doing your research, read a little book called: The Grand Chessboard: American Primacy And Its Geostrategic Imperatives by Zbigniew Brzezinski. This advisor to Obama states openly that the US objective is to pull Russia into an all out war. Or —-
      –alternatively, keep parroting the media-fed bullshit and get used to taste of Solyent Green.

    • Wrong. The US directly funded and advocated the overthrow of the Ukrainian government and put the Neo-Nazi’s into power there. The legitimate government of the Ukraine asked Putin to send in troops and Putin has shown much more restraint than the US even in defending its own military bases in the Crimea.

    • What pisses me off about such comments from disqus60 and other asshats is that my tax dollars probably paid him to write it.

    • disqu keep it coming – as well as the laughs we realize how stupid our opponents in the battle for peace on earth are :lol:

  • “Mr. Putin reaches out to fellow world leaders to negotiate peace”, “because he has shown a stronger desire to avoid conflict.”
    Absolutely amazing analysis.. I’m not sure if to laugh or curse. It’s as if you clowns ignore the simple truth of death and destruction being waged and supported by Putin. Period. How is that reaching out to negotiate peace? In fact, the agreements just made doesn’t ensure peace and since Putin nor his minions have ever kept an agreement, it’s doubtful this will either. The reason Putin went to the negotiating table was the realization that American weapons were about to be unleashed on his military adventure and the cost to his country would skyrocket. Without the threat of escalation by the world which rightfully sees Putin as the aggressor, Putin would continue his destruction and taking over of Ukraine. How someone can derive a “stronger desire to avoid conflict” is beyond imagination.
    I noticed the reference source is in Brazil and the site is nothing but an anti-US, anti-Ukraine, anti-freedom, pro-Putin, propaganda site that parrots everything the kremlin wants idiots to believe. I guess it works with the likes of you.

    • Oh man shut up… you don’t know what you are trying to say… one day after another is all you need to verify the silly affirmations you are doing. I have contacts all over Europe and Asia including all the old USSR countries trough of embassy’s and consulates… please, give you a time to get more informed before to say silly things here.

    • we all know who the trolls are on these websites. there is no way they would pop up to discredit the truth EVERY TIME unless they were being paid, organized and trained – some have blown the whistle so we know what is going on. trolls like disqus60 even have a CIA sounding name….thats how stupid they are.

    • Idiot!! do you work for that Pesci chick in the white house that babbles B.S. when she opens her foul mouth?
      What is the oval office moron doing in Afghanistan, Iraq, Sirie, Nigeria, and the rest of Europe???? promoting peace by the barrel of the gun/?!! where do you live? Iceland?

  • The US and Russia will not go to war because we only attack third world countries who can not adequately defend themselves and usually end up in a stale mate.

  • I wish Putin was president of the United States, we haven’t had a leader since Ronald Reagan.

  • Here is what the Ukrainians are doing before the ceasefire starts, straght from willy wonka himself….

  • Putin is a dictator duh!
    Been there since 91 i believe to be true.

  • Anonymous

    This guy is more of a pathological liar than Pukin is!!!!!!

  • Except……this wont last unfortunately.
    People tend to forget …many in these seats of power are LUCIFERIANS; Satanists and Satan…….lies.
    Contracts or no Contracts.
    This Pattern is so easy to predict:
    Poroshenko sees his Military being defeated , Over a million of the “Draftees hes forcing at “gunpoint” to become Cannon Fodder are fleeing to Russia to avoid it,he is desperate for more money and some way to “regroup” so he can come back stronger then before and DEFEAT the East and totally control it
    ….so he “cries out for Peace”.
    He nor Yatz ( more Yatz then him ) have absolutely no interest in “Peace” and neither does the USA or the EU (Its ALL a show).
    The Majority of them follow SATAN (please dont ever be fooled by that ) and are controlled by him .

    This is a scheme and a Satanic plot and they and Russia and East Ukraine leadership have all fallen for it , unfortunately .
    So while this “charade” is going on the US will covertly be sending their “lethal aid” and billions of dollars to Ukraine ( instead of fixing bridges at home) , solidifying their CIA stronghold there-bringing in their Military advisors & you can bet will secretly be plotting out the perfect False Flag .

    Their Aim is CONTROL of the East.
    The IMF has absolutely no intention of letting it go .
    It was their objective to get it all in the first place and it will continue to be.
    They follow satan remember?
    So as soon as “he” is confident that things have been weakened enough and there are enough vulnerabilities …..he”ll “switch” back and lead them to as well.

    No…..there will not be Peace sadly.
    Its all a charade and it will not last ……and as soon as that “trigger” occurs… will be far worse then it has been to date.

    I believe I already know whats about to happen within 6 weeks from now:

    Russia and Novo-Rossyia will be “MARRIED” as one.
    How they get that way …….is still a mystery that will unfold.

    You’re all in for a very bumpy ride and please…………………keep PRAYING .Dont stop.

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