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‘US, Turkey seeking to oust Assad’

Friday, February 20, 2015 17:30
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The United States and Turkey along with a number of other countries have
signed an agreement to arm and train militants to fight against the
Syrian government of Bashar al-Assad, says a political analyst. “What we
have now is this agreement between Turkey and the United States and
frankly other countries – Saudi Arabia, Qatar and we believe Jordan – to
bolster that fight against Assad and the Assad government,” Wayne
Slater, a senior political writer at the Dallas Morning News, told Press
TV on Thursday. These countries help the so-called moderate militants
“by providing equipment and training, pick-up trucks, machine guns,
possibly mortars, anti-tank weapons and maybe most importantly or as
important some radios in which some members of this free Syrian army,
the Syrian opposition forces could call in US airstrikes or assist in
those airstrikes.”

“The key here is that politically Turkey wants
to focus on the ouster of the Assad government, the US wants to set
priority as fighting ISIS (ISIL Takfiri terrorists) but the hope is that
this will strengthen the opposition,” he explained. The US State
Department said the US and Turkey have agreed “in principle” to train
and arm insurgents. The so-called training program is likely to begin
next month. Turkish Foreign Ministry spokesman Tanju Bilgic said on
Tuesday that Ankara hopes the deal will also strengthen the beleaguered
insurgents fighting against the government of al-Assad.

said ”the Pentagon believes that we have identified about 1,200 forces
(and it) hopes that we can maybe build that maybe 3,000 to 4,000
opposition forces in Syria in the year or years ahead.” “But the key to
this decision was that it is a formal effort to strengthen the
opposition forces in a way with equipment and training and as many as of
thousand US troops and trainers on the ground in Syria, Jordan, Saudi
Arabia and Turkey in this fight,” Slater added. The ISIL terrorists —
some of whom were amongst militants initially trained by the CIA in
Jordan in 2012 to destabilize the Syrian government — now control large
parts of Syria and Iraq.

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