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Dick Durbin endorses Chuck Schumer for Minority Leader.

Saturday, March 28, 2015 20:09
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(Before It's News)

Somebody has to say this, so it might as well be me: there’s a step missing in this scenario. “Sen. Richard J. Durbin (D-Ill.) on Friday endorsed his rival, Sen. Charles E. Schumer (D-N.Y.), to become the next Senate Democratic leader, clearing the path for what is likely to be an easy transition in leadership when Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV)Heritage ActionScorecardSen. Harry Reid10%Senate Democrat Average29See Full Scorecard10% steps down from the job.”  To wit: Chuck Schumer actually has to win re-election, first.  He’s up in 2016.

Now, I know what everybody is thinking. Chuck Schumer is far too popular in his home state. He’s a tireless and gifted campaigner. He’s safely ensconced in a Blue state. It’s a Presidential election year.  The mere suggestion that there could be an upset is downright absurd. If nothing else, local media would protect him. And, of course: if Chuck Schumer was already tapped for leadership, there’d be no way that he’d actually lose the formality of an election… wait, sorry, I already used the Tom Daschle example. My bad.

But my point is this: it’s not smart to anticipate results. Is Chuck Schumer an odds-on favorite to win re-election in New York? Sure.  He’s an incumbent who can raise funds, and Sen. Charles Schumer (D-NY)Heritage ActionScorecardSen. Charles Schumer0%Senate Democrat Average29See Full Scorecard0% indeed works hard at getting re-elected. Is it impossible for him to be beaten? Don’t be absurd. Or, worse, too lazy to try.

Moe Lane

The post Dick Durbin endorses Chuck Schumer for Minority Leader. appeared first on RedState.


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