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By Dr. William B. Mount
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Why The US Shot Down Flight 9525

Sunday, March 29, 2015 21:07
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(Before It's News)

There is no question that the United States Corporation shot down Flight 9525. The evidence was released just after it was shot down. The Debris field is huge and Lufthansa announced that they have complete control of every jet they fly. For it to go down it had to be shot down.


Further – the Pilot has the key to the cockpit – Duh.


The real question is why did the UN Corporation shoot down this flight?


Under who’s authority do they act and why?


(Pray that those involved in perpetrating these murders are completely and immediately immobilized for life)


We have already seen, in recent history , many, many airliners shot down by the US Corporation, such as:  Flight 800, Flight 447, the two Malaysian Airliners, the Airliner over Algeria, the airliner over the Ukraine, and now this one.


Perhaps a little history will help us understand why.


Many years ago the head of the Free masons wrote a book – remember him – Albert Pike – a Confederate General who believed in slavery who’s statue stands in Washington DC?


Albert talked about the three wars to be executed by Lucifer the following reasons:


1st) Destroy Russia

2nd) Destroy European Royalty

3rd) Destroy the world and bring about the Temple To Lucifer in Jerusalem.


These would be funded by his father Lucifer through the Vatican, using the German Banks in Frankfurt that control the Rothchild’s Empire that spans the gone. The US/UK would start,and fund, all three wars. After the Third War all politicians, Intel Agents  and judges would be terminated and the Earth would have a sustainable population of 500 Million.


Fast forward to 1919 and we see the development of the League of Nations.


In 1922 the Lucifer Trust Fund was created to run the League of Nations for Lucifer.


In 1944 the United Nations was created by the Rothchilds and the Lucifer Trust (Now the Lucis Trust) would run this outfit for Lucifer.


On 14 July 1944 the Bretton Woods agreement was created and the United States Corporation was to be under the complete control of the IMF (USC 2, Sec 286) and would obey them as their slaves. The purpose of this Vatican Treaty signed at the United Nations was to bring about World War 3 and maintain certain national populations AND to allow the newly created CIA to import drugs through out the world to pay of these activities and to build their underground bases.


Politicians are bribed out of these accounts to accomplish these objectives, with the rebellious being terminated with Prejudice – like President Lulu of Brazil of Chavez of Venezuela.


Individuals who try and stop these goals are terminated and those insider who talk simply vanish.


The shooting down of the airliners are meant either as a warning to a particular President or to kill an individual on that plane – flight 800 killed the US Ambassador to France, Etc. These have all been covered over and over again in our previous stories.


In addition – in 1956 President Eisenhour clearly signed a series of treaties with the ETs – 12 in fact – that control just exactly how we will interact with them.


In recent times amany of the original Alien Races have been fed GMO Food to change their DNA to cause their race to suffer and eventually die. IR – the Tall Whites.


Keep in mind the end goal: Earth’s Population of 500 Million, Lucifer’s Temple on the North Temple Mount in the year 2032, and Lucifer worshiped as GOD,and the need for Lucifer and hos minions to suck off Human Suffering to get high.


Please keep in mind also  that the Current Muslim Temple in Jerusalem is not King Davids Temple Location. The real location is just north at the North Temple. This north Temple  it lines up with the viewing of the Chief Jewish Priest through the East Gate of the Mount of Olives and is directly above the Old East Jerusalem Gate.


Thus when Lucifer builds his temple (A tent) on top of the North Temple Mount and declares himself as god the Messiah will return and crush his little rebellion after a huge earthquake.


The US Corporation was thus given the authority  kill and destroy through the US State Department’s “Office Of Population Control” (Now called the Office of Population) with unlimited funding to accomplish the goals of Lucifer. This is why we see:


1) Chemtrails that are killing us.

2) Aluminum Dust in our Jet Fuel, Destroying our ability to synthesize Vitamin D

3) Killer GMO Foods

4) Killer Vaccinations

5) 900 US Bases in 153 different nations

6) Abortion every where

7) Viruses in Gasoline

8) Plagues

9) Over 22 different active wars worldwide

10) Over 850 FEMA Camps in America.


Further – the Chief Jesuit in an interview on 4/15/2000 stated it was time to destroy the North America and outlined just how they were going to do it. He also stated that if we kill the Jesuits world wide we get our money back, our nation back, etc – and that no world leader was Man enough to do this – especially Wimpy Gimpy Putin.


This is why Putin tries to be so Macho – the three Putins look so Macho. They are, in reality, New World Order Schills. If Putin really wished Russia to thrive do you not think he would have done as GOD has asked him to do?


So far – so good – they are right on target in the destruction of North America, the coming Nuclear War and the building of the Temple for Lucifer — oh wait — the Nuclear War has been stopped for 8 years now —- Lucifer has a Chink in his Armor called GOD  - so keep praying. .


The few videos I produce like THE CURE FOR CANCER are not even a hinderance to them. I am not even an minor annoince.


So now you know why the United States is on a Killing Rampage.


Five days ago the United States Corporation missed a payment to China – essentially declaring bankruptcy – but life just goes on. They keep killing, destroying, murdering all for Lucifer and no nation can deny the United States Demands.


Do not expect relief from the Great Red Dragon Family or from Russia. They could have bailed out this economy 8 years ago when I showed them how – but GOD is not on Lucifer’s Agenda and until GOD acts all we can do is pray – Visualize – that GOD stop these Murdering Kleptomaniacs from starting this insane Nuclear War.


The next window is 3 April (+- 3 Days) The US Forces loyal to those at  the Base in NW Nevada plan of sending 12 High Tech, almost undetectable nukes (Ukraine 8 Feb) to 8 US Cities and to: Beijing, London, Paris and Rome?


More than likely they will be stopped.


Then comes the Grid take down – just like the US just did in Holland. It was a test.


Sure – the ETs are going to help – yeah.


Hockey Puck.


During the ran Hostage Crises President Reagan ended in one day, Admiral Hyman G. Richover stated that 3 AWACS could terminate Iran’s Grid – including all switch boards – that was 35 years ago. Imagine the technology they have today!


OK – Now you know why the US Corporations shoot down Commercial Airliners – that is their job under the Bretton Woods Agreement – which ran out 14 July 2014.


So how can we change this mess and put Lucifer to bed?


To re-establish World Control the BRICS Nations would need to send a delegation to New York  and sign a new agreement at the United Nations. This is something that apparently the Red Dragon Family never thought of based on my communications with them.


So – apparently this is not on the agenda of the Chinese Red Dragon Family, the BRICS or the Russian Hierarchy.


The treaties above are simple enough to understand and even I could write a new treaty in an hour. It is that simple.


A BRICS Coalition could be assembled in one hour and delegates could be in New York (Or the Geneva UN Building) and a gathering convened by tomorrow morning.


They do not do this because they do not want one – this is why YOU are so needed – to pray (Visualize) that this insane destruction put forth by Lucifer and his forces stop immediately and permanently.


The destruction of their Banking Leaders and Banking System for not honoring their obligations to this Ambassador as GOD has set forth — this also directly hinders their efforts


Let us pray – visualize – that the BRICS have the intelligence to create  this New Breton Woods Agreement within the next 48 hours before the Rothcilds (Frankfurt Bauery Boys) can orchestrate a Nuclear WW3.  I could write it in 10 minutes since I know the Old Treaty.



A final note to the Industry Leaders who think they will hide in their underground shelters when the Nuclear War begins: Do you not think your shelters were not built with Self Destruct Devices?


Are you that childish?


The news you need.


Dr William B. Mount


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Total 24 comments
  • They DIDN’T!

  • Man

    talk about pot shot speculation,

    first it was Islamic terrorism.

    Then it was a vengeful gay act…

    now this…

    Tomorrow: Russians did it

  • someone’s off the Meds again :lol:

  • You know….if you tilt your head just to the left…..he ‘zembles Geir.

  • Dr. Mount, you definitively think out of the box! May God bless you!

    If I may inject a few things, which demonstrate that the controlled crash of the Airbus A320 of Germanwing Flight 9525 was a plot of state-sponsor Lucifer/Satan crime: It is the LOCATION of the controlled crash.

    1. The Airbus crashed onto the flanks of the mountains of “Les Trois Eveches”, which translate into “The Three Dioceses”.
    2. The Airbus crashed nearby the location of the marian apparitions of Our Lady of Laus.
    3. The Airbus crashed at a distance between 60 km (66 km?) and 40 statute miles (44 s.m.?) from the site of an other marian apparition, this one being of an apocalyptic nature: Our Lady of La Salette.

    This location demonstrates a provocation by satanists behind this state-sponsor controlled crash, due to the religious nature of its provocation.
    This controlled crash targeted the Blessed Virgin Mary, and the authentic Roman Catholic Church -this latest is not the actual Vatican.

    Furthermore: The Vatican has been under total control by Lucifer for over a half century -precisely since October 26, 1958, when the authentic Pope (who was Cardinal Siri, who had the pontifical name of Gregory XVII) was deposed in a coup d’etat, leaving place to the 18th degree Rosicrucian Roncalli. The current man in a white cassock known as “Pope Francis” is the sixth usurper to the Synagogue of Satan, and has shown a complicit silence towards the symbols of the controlled crash of last week.

    Russia has been consecrated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary on May 13 1991, by the successor to the authentic Pope Gregory XVII. please consult
    This consecration explains the change of heart of “Russia”, and why the “three Putins” are actively attempting to remain in control of a converting nation.

    • “They do not do this because they do not want one – this is why YOU are so needed – to pray (Visualize) that this insane destruction put forth by Lucifer and his forces stop immediately and permanently.”
      Dr. William B. Mount, you are 100% correct, but most people do not want to see what is going on!

      the very best and the simplest way to pary, is the rosary!
      every Christian can do this, you don`t need to be catholic to pray the roasry.
      Just give it a try, it is not difficult.
      Satan hates the rosary, that`s why we all have to pray the raosry!
      and Satan hates “The Miraculous Medal” because it gives protection against Satan.

      • Rosary .roasry. raosry.

        “Satan hates the rosary, that`s why we all have to pray the raosry!”

        All comments in favour of these rantings have 1st grade spelling mistakes, but this commenter trying to spell Rosary seems to be deliberately misspelling the word for some reason, or are people just that stupid that follow this stupidity from Dr.Bob.

        Doctor eh!

  • it was a mass sacrifice to the reptilians. simple as that

    • According to Indian in the Closet, all the reptilians left earth.

  • NM156

    One thing is for certain, we’ll never get the truth. Not here or the mainstream media.

    • This site has practically become the mainstream media. I’m sure at the top of it they have the same bosses.

  • This article contains elements of the truth that need to be at the front of the conversations such as the Vatican’s role in the creation of the global satanic government.

    And of course the Jesuits, essentially the intelligence agency of the Vatican have infiltrated virtually every influential entity of society including secret societies, corporations, governments, ‘THE PROTESTANT CHURCH’, and the military.

    And to discredit the aforementioned truths, a Jesuit short robe (Jesuit in suit) is commissioned by his father who is the father of lies, to take the truth and mix in some poisonous lies such as ET’s and sound like a raving lunatic for further cause and affect.

    Just remember this, the Dark and Middle ages were ruled by the Holy Roman Empire which received a fatal, or what appeared to be fatal, blow in 1798 with the banishment of the Papacy.

    They miss their old empire. The wound has healed.

    And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast. And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him?
    Rev 13:3-4

    Begin here:
    Jesuits Counter Reformation War Tactic –

    • As we now know, most of the chief architects of the Reformation – Martin Luther, Philip Melanchthon, Johannes Reuchlin, Jan Amos Kozmensky, John Calvin, etc. are all freemasons.
      Freemasons are one of the organisations of the jews, to destroy the christian faith.
      Later on the catholic church were also take over Step by Steb by the jews/freemason.
      Also the Jesuits are taken over as other catholic organisations.
      The last fout popes are also jews (of jews roots).
      You can see it at the vatican II. “Reformation”.
      So allmost all Christian faiths are more or less changed by the jews.
      Not the orthodox, coptish (as I know) and the traditional catholics.

    • to elijah1757: The Roman Catholic Church, as well as the Pope’s defender the Jesuits, are institutions created by Jesus Christ, and implemented by His Mother Mary, the Blessed Virgin. Those are great institutions, which as all great institutions, have been infiltrated by the Father of Lies. Those institutions have regularly been purged of their bad elements through times. The Catholic Church, as well as its army, the Jesuits, still remained truthful to the holy faith, that in spite of leaders who were not always the best ones. It is untrue to claim that the Catholic Church was a creation of man, and it is just Protestant chauvinism to claim the the Pope is “just a man” animated by politics of lust. Then something has changed: God chastises the world, as per the last warning at La Salette.The Church has been totally taken over from the top since October 26, 1958. The “Church” as the world knows it is a dead beat, and all the last six “Popes” have been traitors to the Catholic Faith. The Jesuits have suffered the same fate: they are dead beats, and have been replaced by Opus Dei, this latest having nothing Catholic from start. The Jesuits had been taken over from the top sometimes from WW1,, during the successive tenure of five men who were the proteges of Lucifer high priest Cardinal Rampolla. Those five men named Gaspari, Dela Chiesa, Pacelli, Roncali, and Montini became respectively Secretary of State, Popes Benedict XV, Pius XII, antipopes John XXIII, and Paul VI. Those Popes, and antipopes (after 1958) conspired at destroying the Church; they put a lid on Fatima; they facilitated “while deploring” the rise of the Third Reich; the humanists and evolutionist heresies, and… the Jesuits went along.
      God will simply start fresh after having cleaned the slate. The Catholic Church, which exist currently as a minuscule and hidden seed, will be restored, with a Pope who will be designated by Our Lord. The Jesuits’ army might also be restored, for there are many lower level Jesuits who have remained loyal to Christ Jesus, and who have not forgotten that the Company of Jesus was commanded by the Blessed Virgin Mary -in person to St Ignatius of Loyola.
      The Jesuits may have a doctrine of military infiltration, but they are not a fabrication of the perfidious Jews.

      To Klemens: Yes! the Holy Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary must be prayed. This prayer was given in person to St. Dominic by the BVM. This prayer consists of FIFTEEN MYSTRIES which represents 153 Hail Mary. This prayer was deliberately sabotaged by the usurper in white cassock who has been named “St. John-Paul II”. The original Rosary must be prayed daily for grace and love for Jesus Christ, as well as for protection against the devils.

      To Klemens again: The Miraculous Medal, given in person by the Blessed Virgin Mary to St. Catherine Laboure is the second most powerful protection against Satan. The first being a Crucifix (and not a Protestant Cross), the third being the St. Benedict Cross.

  • one of the most poorly written disso attempts i’ve seen here. entertaining though.

  • This is the article I’m going to use from now on to show other people what Conspiracy nut jobs believe. This article truly has it all. From the opening line “There is no question that the United States Corporation shot down Flight 9525″ which is typical of conspiracy posts (an absurd ‘hook’ that presents an ludicrous statement as if it’s blatantly factual) to a list of supporting “facts” (things that have time and time and time again been proven false) including Chemtrails, Vaccines, GMOs, and FEMA camps. All of this with the stereotypical Christian overtones that so commonly accompany a post of this caliber of madness.

    Thanks for the article I always enjoy a good read. Even though this read more like the ramblings of a clinically insane person it was still pretty good in spots.

    Good Luck.

  • Does not matter who done It!!!

    Just prey for the poor people who lost their lives and the anguish of their families

    The truth Is out there somewhere

  • google ” bohdan mazur “

    • google

  • judas iscariot

    2 things:

    The article has almost nothing to do with the title. Try staying on topic

    To interfere with lucifer’s rise to power is to interfere with god’s plan

  • WhaT…Really do you think those up above will allow NUKES to destroy this planet? You forget this planet is home to many many races, and not just us. Your story contains a tiny bit of TRUTH maybe?????

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