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By: Voice of Reason
The U.S Government may be bad at doing a LOT of things, but taking care of THEMSELVES first at ANY cost has NEVER been one them.
By: Voice of Reason
“Because of the very nature of the way that Cheyenne Mountain’s built, it’s EMP-hardened,” states Admiral William Gortney, head of NORAD and Northern Command. “And so, there’s a lot of movement to put capability into Cheyenne Mountain and to be able to communicate in there,” Gortney continued.
The Pentagon announced last week that the Raytheon Corporation will receive a $700 million contract to prep the Cheyenne Mountain base in Colorado for the return of US aerospace command, having abandoned it in 2006 for the Petersen Air Force base in Colorado Springs.
The half-acre mountain cavern was created in the 1960s in response to the Cold War and is designed to withstand a nuclear strike. Now it is being reopened for the very real threat of an EMP attack capable of being carried out by any one of America’s rogue nation enemies. Iranian military recently called for an EMP attack on the U.S. as Obama was negotiating a nuclear deal that would help them achieve a nuke.
Experts state that an EMP attack, which would fry all electronics within it’s wide blast radius, would kill 90% of the American population within a year if carried out. While people wouldn’t die immediately from the EMP itself, as we would lose every car, all forms of communication, all lights and anything that’s run by electricity, it would cast the States back to 1870. Neighbor would be set upon neighbor as people would be fighting for food and water – requiring the immediate implementation of martial law and activation of those infamous FEMA camps.
The question that most needs answered is…why would the government be moving military command underground at this particular moment while it would to leave the rest of us to fend for ourselves in the face of this grave threat by not doing anything to protect the our very vulnerable power grid?
The Cheyenne Mountain Complex is reported to be 2,000 feet below the granite rocks and made up of 15 three-story buildings protected from nuclear blasts and seismic movement by a system of 1,000 giant springs.
Last week, the Pentagon announced that a $700 million, 10 year contract was awarded to Raytheon Corporation to oversee the work for North American Aerospace Command (NORAD) and US Northern Command.
The contract calls for Raytheon to deliver ‘sustainment’ services to help the military perform ‘accurate, timely and unambiguous warning and attack assessment of air, missile and space threats’ at the Cheyenne and Petersen base
The complex is designed to withstand a direct hit by a 30 megaton nuclear explosion and has 25-ton blast doors surrounding the complex.
Raytheon’s contract will also involve unspecified work at the Vandenberg Air Force Base in California and the Offutt Air Force Base in Nebraska.
The Cheyenne Mountain bunker in Colorado Springs is where ‘Stargate SG-1′ science fiction TV series was filmed. It was built in 1965 to resist a Soviet nuclear attack, and was a key center for the United States Space Command and North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD), which scanned Canadian and US airspace via a worldwide system of missiles.
North American Aerospace Defense Command said ‘that at the height of the Cold War in the late 1950s, the idea of a hardened command and control center was conceptualized as a defense against long-range Soviet bombers. The Army Corps of Engineers supervised the excavation of Cheyenne Mountain and the construction of an operational center within the granite mountain. The Cheyenne Mountain facility became fully operational as the NORAD Combat Operations Center on Feb. 6, 1967.’
Daily Mail reported that Admiral William Gortney, head of NORAD and Northern Command, said that ‘because of the very nature of the way that Cheyenne Mountain’s built, it’s EMP-hardened.’
‘And so, there’s a lot of movement to put capability into Cheyenne Mountain and to be able to communicate in there,’ Gortney told reporters.
‘My primary concern was… are we going to have the space inside the mountain for everybody who wants to move in there, and I’m not at liberty to discuss who’s moving in there,’ he said.
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The Cheyenne mountain bunker is a half-acre cavern carved into a mountain in the 1960s that was designed to withstand a Soviet nuclear attack. From inside the massive complex, airmen were poised to send warnings that could trigger the launch of nuclear missiles.
But in 2006, officials decided to move the headquarters of NORAD and US Northern Command from Cheyenne to Petersen Air Force base in Colorado Springs. The Cheyenne bunker was designated as an alternative command center if needed
This is FAR from the first article I have done covering the devastation an EMP blast would cause if ever detonated over the Unites States. Estimates are upward of close to 270,000,000 AMERICAN DEATHS, OR 90%! One thing I am not prepared to elaborate on, however if anyone has the time and wants to give me something to post, I’d be happy to… is the issue of Solar Max and the sun flares. Anyone not paying attention to Al Gore’s nonsensical tirades about how life is ending on earth sometime next week (if I wrote it down on my calendar right) due to the Unites States green house gas emissions, may be aware that our sun is going through a VERY dangerous time right now in relation to the sun.
I’m not well versed in the facts and all the science behind it (SEE LIBERALS, WAS THAT SO HARD TO SAY?), but I do know several x5 Flares I believe they are called have narrowly missed us. They deliver the same shocking blow as an EMP blast… sending anyone hit by th e flare or EMP back to the stone age over night! The following are some GREAT links about EMP blasts, their effects, and if they were used as a weapon!
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Our politicians very well know that an EMP attack would complete destroy our nation, killing 90% of the population.
Is this why our politicians are so tepid about doing anything concerning our treasonous, criminal President? Are they being extorted into inaction?
Is this why our federal government IS so brazen now in their communist actions? They know that their ace in the hole is simply to kill us all if we get out of hand?
To consider that this could be true would necessitate that one believe our country is under attack by group outside our country, such an international global elite or some other group such as the Muslim
Brotherhood, Russia, etc. because such groups wouldn’t care if America were completely laid to waste.
One would also assume that if, unless they wanted to move to the southern hemisphere, any EMP attack would be done surgically so as not to melt down our nuclear power plants, which would end up contaminating the entire northern hemisphere.
A solar flare could still do this to America, and yet our politicians are doing nothing to prepare for such an event.
There is something called a Faraday cage, which is suppose to shield electronics from an EMP. It would perhaps help to have certain electronics around to help you survive if such an event occurred, such as a HAM radio or battery powered medical devices, but dealing with a scared and hungry populace and maintaining your own food and water supply would be of utmost importance
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A basic disaster kit should include:
Water – store one gallon per day per person. A non-electrical water filter capable of safely filtering river or lake water also could be used.
Food – canned foods, dry mixes and other staples that do not require refrigeration, cooking or water – and include a hand can opener.
Portable, battery-powered radio or television and extra batteries – which would not be affected by an EMP attack.
Flashlight and extra batteries.
First aid kit and manual.
Sanitation and hygiene items (moist towelettes and toilet paper).
Matches and waterproof container.
Extra clothing.
Kitchen accessories and cooking utensils.
Cash and coins.
Special needs items, such as prescription medications, eye glasses, contact lens solutions and hearing aid batteries.
Items for infants, such as formula, diapers, bottles, and pacifiers.
Other items to meet your unique family needs.
For those Americans in cold climates, extra clothing and blankets could be useful, especially for those whose heat is dependent on electricity or other fuel delivered by local utilities.
Even the most ardent The End of the World As We Know It TEOTWAWKI preppers may be ill-prepared for the EMP aftermath. Unless there is at least a two to three year supply of provisions stockpiled into a well-equipped doomsday bunker, 35 feet below the surface, chances of survival are greatly diminished.
Assuming that the chance of survival for non-preppers is slim to none, there are steps that can be taken ahead of time that can improve survivability for resourceful preppers. The cost and effort required for creating absolute invulnerability is prohibitive for most, however, each step can take survivability up a notch. For most TEOTWAWKI preppers, it’s a matter of re-imagining the unimaginable and taking the added measures they may have only considered. Those skilled in the tactics of evasion and concealment, with the means of doing so, stand the best chance.
Within a matter of weeks your home will become a target for looters and refugees. Even the most fortified house can eventually be overrun. Homes located in suburban tracts and rural locations should be considered highly vulnerable. Small, close-knit, and well-armed communities located on large bodies of water can provide a collective defense against all but the most massive groups of intruders. A home in the close proximity of a military base would be a target of last resort as long as the base remains active.
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A house or retreat stocked to the hilt will be no match for marauding neighbors and gangs unless it exists in the very most remote locations or 30 feet below the ground. Evasion is the best of all survival tactics and it must be applied for at least 6 months to a year to allow for the thinning of the hungry throngs. Where it’s not practical to build your own shelter or cave dwelling, there may be a better opportunity to combine resources with other preppers in the construction of a remotely located bunker. Consideration for surviving the travel needed to get to the bunker needs to be a priority.
By: Voice of Reason
What’s the matter, Broseph? Still keepin the antenna too wet to get a clear signal?
Grandma had other plans you know… how’s that ark coming?
Reptilians have survived for thousands of years in underground caverns, protected from calamities on the surface. They are under Dulce Base in New Mexico and many other spots. They are just waiting to come back up to the surface and claim their home and maybe have us for lunch! Don’t believe me? Take a look at this:
The real reason they moved into the Cheyenne Mountain was due to the recent EMP attack on the white house, state department buildings in D.C. The Russian responded to the U.S disabling Russian Federation computers using an EMP device. tit-for-tat, after which the U.S. responded by sending a hypercrafts space weapon which the Russians shot down. Needless to say the war is started.
A tower fell
Bolt cutters have many uses…
Let me guess Judas you saw it happen? I buy that! Lets say, for thirty pieces!
They can’t run a totalitarian state on batteries so the last thing they want is for the power to go down for any length of time. It doesn’t mean they can’t scare the witless about it, though. Their New World Order would die without power long before no power kills off a large number of people. If survival ends with no power we’d have stayed apes.
“The last thing they want is the power going down for any length of time”……..BS then they could declare marshal law and start the “culling” process. WW3 would soon follow after the collapse of the dollar. Mick they would LOVE it to happen.
Obviously there is something going on here. And I think that there is more to this story than at first sight.
funny they think they are safe under ground
what is coming upon this earth you can hid in the mountains under rocks under ground in are shelters the tax payers shelters you will not be safe Planet X Nibiru
Forget about Nibiru what about the unicorns,fairies,leprechauns,annunaki
how can a E M P kill 90% of the us population … so we all go outside and ZAP 90% is dead ????.. or do you mean
people kill people once a E M P as bean triggered and that i can understand hmmmm
when you say “kill us” do you mean the obvious; take 90% of us back to the medieval times or actually kill us?? because if you’re talking about the second one. then how. how would an EMP kill 90% of the US? make no sense.
EMP does not kill living things (unless from a bolt of lightning that hits you) it kills unprotected electrical devices. The 90% of people will die because they totally rely on electrical things to survive. Nothing electrical in the house will work apart from no mains supply. Your gas or oil heating if available wont work, without electricity to run boiler or cooker. Cell and landline phones as well. Generators affected by EMP will not work. Your car if built within last 20 years has ECU computer which will be destroyed, very old cars with coil ignition and old diesel cars which can be run without electricity and push started may still work ok. It will not be possible to pump petrol/diesel from gas stations the only way to get from underground tanks will be hand pump or working generator but cannot be refilled as no way to get fuel to them. It also will not be possible to restock supermarkets which will be stripped bare in less than 24 hours for same reason.
No water from pumping stations and overflowing sewers. No hospital or medical services fire or police due to fuel problem, and taking care of own families. In those conditions you would not want to be seen in police uniform as payback time and no backup. One house fire whole area burns down no way to put out or control. Think Wild West and war zone, armed gangs taking anything of value like food and water. You either kill them or they kill you. It’s called 48 hours to anarchy as you try to protect your family and yourself. Criminals and gang members have a head start on the average accountant or office worker. That is why 90% of people will be dead in a year in USA. Got it.
IF there is an EMP, and there probably will be. It will be set off by Obummer and the boys. They will promptly blame it on N. Korea or China or Russia. I hope they all fight with each other down there in their caves. God will have a very “special place” for them all when all is said and done.
Well our Government is not Christian , for the most part I dont believe, they have not values, not much intelligence, no common sense, and they want us to die because they have all bought into the satanic new world order.
EMP does not kill living things (unless from a bolt of lightning that hits you) it kills unprotected electrical devices. The 90% of people will die because they totally rely on electrical things to survive. Nothing electrical in the house will work apart from no mains supply. Your gas or oil heating if available wont work, without electricity to run boiler or cooker. Cell and landline phones as well. Generators affected by EMP will not work. Your car if built within last 20 years has ECU computer which will be destroyed, very old cars with coil ignition and old diesel cars which can be run without electricity and push started may still work ok. It will not be possible to pump petrol/diesel from gas stations the only way to get from underground tanks will be hand pump or working generator but cannot be refilled as no way to get fuel to them. It also will not be possible to restock supermarkets which will be stripped bare in less than 24 hours for same reason.
No water from pumping stations and overflowing sewers. No hospital or medical services fire or police due to fuel problem, and taking care of own families. In those conditions you would not want to be seen in police uniform as payback time and no backup. One house fire whole area burns down no way to put out or control. Think Wild West and war zone, armed gangs taking anything of value like food and water. You either kill them or they kill you. It’s called 48 hours to anarchy as you try to protect your family and yourself. Criminals and gang members have a head start on the average accountant or office worker. That is why 90% of people will be dead in a year in USA. Got it…
Number one you would need a lot more than one or two EMP’s to take everything down and then it would just take us back to the 1980′s where we don’t have CCTV’s all over the place and lamp posts listening in to your conversation from 100 meters away.
A.I is a much bigger danger to people on earth than anything else and will do to us what we did to monkeys who once lived next to us if you go along with Darwin.
bring it on because we are going no where as we are and you might also like to know that a lot less people died in the 1980′s from cancer than die now and thats with or witout all these advanced computer based MRI scanners in hospitals.
>>>>>>>I WANT AN EMP ATTACK<<<<<<<<
That compound needs to ventilate and breath, act accordingly when the time comes.
Lets hope they move the stargate to a safer location, imagine letting pollies out into the universe!
It’s not the EMP, it’s the meteor strike that will kill 90 percent of the population. So you can tell this post is a disinfo to divert your attention from the real thing.
An EMP or Electro Magnetic Pulse is an electro-magnetic discharge that fries sensitive circuits… within minutes… even SECONDS… Most modern day appliances, the gadgets we use daily, and even the U.S. power grid all have sensitive circuits built-in. Think of a normal black-out when you don’t have any lights, heating, or internet… But far worse than this, an EMP black-out is permanent and on a larger scale… This means you can also say goodbye to telecommunications, transportation and even utilities…
old news plus you cant hide from the wrath of the lamb