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By Bunkerville, God, Guns and Guts
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Clinton Foundation marches on. $1 Million from Moroccan King

Friday, April 10, 2015 4:43
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(Before It's News)

Hillary’s little corruption pay to play continues unabated. Apparently it was going on full tilt while she was Secretary of State. What is amazing is that she has no intention of slowing down even while running for President. One can only imagine what it may be like if she should be elected. Here we go:

The Clinton Foundation will accept a donation in excess of $1 million from a Moroccan government-owned company and hold a policy conference in Marrakech with the king of Morocco, according to Politico.

Hillary Clinton was scheduled to appear at the May Clinton Global Initiative Middle East and Africa Meeting, but officials at the foundation now say it is unlikely she will make the trip. (Bill is planning on attending.)

The reason for the event is a large donation from a phosphate exporter owned by Morocco’s constitutional monarchy, which was accused by Clinton’s State Department of “arbitrary arrests and corruption in all branches of government” in 2011 and fails to treat women as equals.

Clinton visited Morocco during her time at the State Department and praised King Mohammed

During her State Department tenure, Clinton visited Morocco, and later launched an ongoing U.S.-Morocco strategic dialogue (the latest installment of which is set to occur in Washington this week), praising the country in 2012 “as a leader and a model.”

H/T:Free Beacon

Filed under: Government Tagged: Clinton Foundation, Hillary Clinton, Moroccan King, Morocco


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