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Fisherman risks own life to save baby fox from being kicked to death by thugs

Friday, April 24, 2015 11:01
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A multi-partisan activist group established to expose and resist US imperialism, corpora-terrorism, and the New World Order

Fisherman risks own life to save baby fox from being kicked to death by thugs –A gang of thugs [terrorists] shot dead a vixen then viciously kicked her baby cub before being stopped by a passing fisherman | 24 April 2015 | A gang of vile thugs shot dead a vixen then set about killing her defenceless cub by kicking it as it lay cowering just inches from her dead mother. The poor animal was only saved when a hero fisherman risked his own life to intervene and was assaulted himself. The Good Samaritan came to blows with the brutes as they carried out the brutal attack on the defenceless baby after shooting her mum on a pitch-black country lane…The have-a-go-hero then grabbed the cub, took her home and wrapped her in a duvet with a teddy bear and hoped for the best.


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