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Food workers, janitors walk out on U.S. Senate

Thursday, April 23, 2015 7:37
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A multi-partisan activist group established to expose and resist US imperialism, corpora-terrorism, and the New World Order

Food workers, janitors walk out on U.S. Senate About 40 contracted workers from the United States Senate walked off their jobs Wednesday morning and joined more than 1,000 labor activists at a rally calling on President Barack Obama and Congress to require federal contractors to pay their workers more. The Senate workers — employed at the upper chamber's cafeteria, on janitorial duty and in other food service jobs — along with other federal contracted employees, are calling on the President to sign a “Model Employer Executive Order” that would give federal contracting preferences to companies that can pay their workers $15 an hour. Bertrand Olotara — a cook at the U.S. Senate cafeteria — published an op-ed in The Guardian Wednesday, saying that he joined the rally to tell members of Congress, the President and 2016 presidential hopefuls to stand up for a living wage.


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