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read it all here….America Lying About ISIS and Everything | Veterans Today
A few weeks ago, the Wall Street Journal ran an article about CIA training camps in Jordan. The expose was a hoax. The WSJ is a Murdoch/Israeli publication that was providing cover to the CIA/Jordanian/Israeli nexus supporting ISIS and Al Nusra against the Damascus government.
The story in the WSJ described lack of funding, total lack of ammunition and supplies and told of a failed operation with few recruits and little US involvement. The story was a lie. There are massive weapons depots outside Amman that supply ISIS and supply lines from the Red Sea ports of both Israel and Jordan that run directly into the Daara region of Syria.
This is one lie, we will be looking at many, working to identify the criminal conspiracy behind ISIS, Al Qaeda, Al Nusra and the gangsters in Yemen working with the Saudis and, moreover asking questions as to why an entire US fleet is now centered on Yemen and all American air power is redeployed from ISIS and now in either “stand down” or actively supporting the Saudi air campaign on behalf of ISIS and Al Qaeda.
Phony Coalition
America’s “coalition of the willing” war against ISIS had, some weeks ago, ground to a halt. The “fall of Tikrit,” the prelude to the fall of Mosul, was to be a move to strangle Mosul and begin softening up ISIS for the move against their capitol. None of this has happened.
US air attacks on ISIS have ended. US drones are no longer over Syria and Iraq. Most US air assets are staying on the ground, while naval air assets have moved south and are supporting the Saudi air war on Yemen………………………………..
……………………..In the past 3 weeks, ISIS has moved over 1000 vehicles through open territory as though they were given permission by the United States. We believe this is actually the case. Prior to this, ISIS, Al Nusra and other groups the US was suppressing had been crippled, unable to move day or night, forced to store their heavy weapons in populated areas, their checkpoints subject to continual drone attack.
Moreover, as recent videos show, American heavy weapons are being used in Syria and Iraq, against the governments there and, technically, against US and coalition interests. Videos of new TOW missiles, the latest variation, with significant supplies of ammunition, make one thing clear. The United States is lying about their intentions against ISIS and Al Qaeda/Al Nusra………………………………..
……………………………Language of late by Netanyahu and others that “Al Qaeda” is a preferable partner in war, statements initially referring to the situation in Yemen, are telling. The real Al Qaeda partnership with the US is in Syria. We are seeing evidence of that now, increasing moves of weapons and fighters from Jordan or through Israel to Jordan and into Syria and Iraq.
The Saudis, through their Beirut embassy, are openly recruiting for Al Nusra and ISIS inside Lebanon, throwing money around like a drunken sailor. They make no attempt to hide what they are doing.
Similarly, Qatar is throwing money at factions of Hamas, not that these payments are new but the money has “strings.” Why is ISIS and Al Nusra policy so closely tied with forcing Palestinians to give up their “right of return.” Al Nusra units are deployed as a defensive shield against Hezbollah, protecting Israel’s northern border, supported by Israeli helicopters and mobile artillery.
Fighting in the Yarmouk camp has demonstrated much. Al Nusra and ISIS are fighting as one. Advanced Israeli communications equipment is being used, and ISIS and Al Nusra wounded are being evacuated into Israel openly……………………………..
…………………………. The US now has all naval and naval air assets deployed in support of Saudi Arabia. What is problematic is that these forces are supporting what analysts believe will lead to an ISIS takeover of Yemen. This appears to be the plan, not just Saudi Arabia and the Gulf States and Israel but the US as well. It is more important for US policy to keep Iran out of Yemen than to keep ISIS from controlling the Red Sea.
Any beliefs, after observing the situation in Yarmouk camp, that Al Qaeda in Yemen is not and has not been CIA controlled, are unfounded. US support for Al Qaeda is now quite public, much more so than two years ago when Senator John McCain met with their leaders in Syria.
Now as chairman of Senate Armed Forces, McCain is making sure Al Qaeda gets the American supplies it needs. What is also becoming apparent is that the rumors and conspiracy theories about air drops to ISIS are not rumors at all.