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Jeb Bush Praises Obama's Expansion of NSA Surveillance

Tuesday, April 21, 2015 22:21
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A multi-partisan activist group established to expose and resist US imperialism, corpora-terrorism, and the New World Order

Jeb Bush Praises Obama's Expansion of NSA Surveillance | 21 April 2015 | One of the most glaring myths propagated by Washington — especially the two parties' media loyalists — is that bipartisanship is basically impossible, that the two parties agree on so little, that they are constantly at each other's throats over everything. As is so often the case for Washington partisan propaganda, the reality is exactly the opposite: from trade deals to Wall Street bailouts to a massive National Security and Penal State, the two parties are in full agreement on the bulk of the most significant D.C. policies…To illustrate how true this all is, consider the comments today of leading GOP presidential candidate Jeb Bush. He appeared on Michael Medved's conservative talk radio program, and was asked by the host what his favorite part of the Obama administration has been. His answer? As McClatchy noted, Bush hailed “Obama's enhancement of NSA.”


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