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Lower standards for acceptable ideas, ideals, principles, minds of value surface … the dumbing down of admired behavior rises.

Friday, April 3, 2015 7:49
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Lower standards for acceptable ideas, ideals, principles, minds of value surface … the dumbing down of  admired behavior rises.

The world gets smaller.  Globalization gets stronger.  Communications get quicker.  Interactions get more open, less filtered.  Mean levels of active, interactive populations decrease their levels of sophistication, awareness, shading, critical abilities effecting global, national norms, acceptable thought.  Samples affecting global discourse are larger and larger, less evolved, less intellectually curious, aware, questioning, doubting.  Lower standards for acceptable ideas, ideals, principles, minds of value surface … the dumbing down of  admired behavior rises.

Passions, need, want, revenge, autocracy have greater, unchallenged intellectual worth.  From the bottom floats up mores, ideas that attract.  Values of what was once deemed to be the essences of civilization can no longer be supported.   Based upon the premises that they are those of an enlightened mind, and enlightened population ….. these premise are in doubt.

New parameters have new standards.  Vast ideas of moral, cultural equivalence come without questioning standards.  The mights of guided passions make may rights.  The embraces of those seemingly disenfranchised or less powerful allow for less questioning.  Standards move over time.  Some directions are ominous.

Dominance Games…..politics, news, commentary, analysis…. The dumb …… the honored creed. The rancid bastards …… the true…. the thrill…

Facebook …..


Filed under: Commentary, current events, dominance, News, opinion, political science, Politics Tagged: Authoritarianism, Critical thinking, Democracy, Government, media, opinion, political commentary, politics, power


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