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Nuclear weapons courier threatens his colleagues

Sunday, April 12, 2015 14:12
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A multi-partisan activist group established to expose and resist US imperialism, corpora-terrorism, and the New World Order

Nuclear weapons courier threatens his colleagues | 10 April 2015 | A key job requirement for federal agents ferrying nuclear weapons around the United States — no surprise here — is that they shouldn't have “anger management” issues. Incidents of “hostility or aggression toward fellow workers or authority [or] uncontrolled anger” represent rules infractions that must be reported to top officials overseeing the nuclear couriers, according to the government's personnel manual for them. But the commander of a nuclear courier squad based in Oak Ridge, Tennessee – where the uranium portions of H-bombs are fabricated, stored, and periodically moved to other federal sites – allegedly threatened to kill one of his colleagues two years ago, and senior officials did not learn about it for five months, according to a recent inspection report by the Department of Energy's top auditor.


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