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How is this for a yummy treat?
PORTSMOUTH, Va. – That’s not really a fish filet with a whole wheat bun resting on top.
Nah, your eyes are playing tricks on you.
That’s what administrators at Virginia’s Portsmouth Public Schools want parents to believe after a mother took a photo of her child’s paltry school lunch and posted it on social media.
The mom says James Hurst Elementary served the lunch Tuesday.
After the photo began circulating around the community, Food Service Coordinator Jim Gehlhoff admitted the lunch “concerns us,” but added that it might not actually be as bad as it looks.
portsmouth-lunch“Poor lighting and food presentation make this lunch unappealing,” he said in a statement released to the media.
He says it’s in compliance with the federal lunch rules championed by First Lady Michelle Obama.
“The meal in this photo and other meals served by Portsmouth Public Schools meet nutritional and USDA requirements,” according to the food service coordinator.Keep reading…
Here’s a sample of what the Obama girls get to eat for lunch at Sidwell Friends:
Filed under: Liberal Loonies Tagged: Obama, School Lunch