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Things are beginning to look a little iffy for Mrs. Clinton. Scandals are erupting. Questions are being raised about her qualities as a candidate. It’s not the best of times for Hillary.
But privately, Clinton aides say she is confident of victory. None would talk on the record, for fear of having a lamp thrown at them. But they provided a list of reasons Hillary is still certain she will be president.
Here are the top ten:
1. She can prove most ethical lapses were caused by global warming.
2. She has a fool-proof plan to convince primary voters that Elizabeth Warren has leprosy.
3. Bill plans to be in Thailand for much of 2016.
4. Magic Eight Ball said, “You may rely on it.”
5. Used the Reset Button on her campaign and this time it worked!
6. Practicing for several hours every day to be herself.
7. Is in training to carry two or even three electronic devices around at the same time.
8. So far, is doing far better than in 2008 at picking her opponents.
9. Has discovered an achievement notched as Secretary of State and will unveil it just before Election Day.
10. Will show that Clinton Foundation donors weren’t seeking to influence policy – just wanted to save the world, one Clinton at a time.
Are there any further reasons that you have uncovered in any of your research or reporting?