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Video: Lilian Greenwood MP caught and on the ropes at Clifton local Hustings

Wednesday, April 22, 2015 13:20
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(Before It's News)

Lillian Greenwood struggles to contain her anger when confronted over revelations of yet another cover up within the Labour run Nottingham City and County Councils..
Mrs Greenwood seemed agitated and uncomfortable with the question and appears to stumble in her efforts to gloss over the damatic news. Hundreds of millions of pounds of Nottingham’s taxpayers money may now have to be spent on digging up 1000′s of feet and tonnes of concrete.

The concrete has been described by it’s supplier as ‘substandard’ and that it ‘will probably not survive Britain’s harsh winter’ as it is that bad.
Having just tackled the issue of buckled rails at a huge cost to the City, the Labour run Councils had decided that the knowledge of the massive future costs to tax payers, running into the hundreds of millions just to remove the substandard concrete from the tram lines, should not be made public BEFORE the general election. The news was to be suppressed and covered up until people had voted.  This is by definition, a cover up/.. 

This is yet another cover up from a City council already reeling from the several allegations of child rape in care homes that have come to light.  Child abuse it would seem that may have been, and still be, being covered up. Child abuse survivor from Nottingham Mickey Summers was at the meeting to question the prospective candidates about the lack of progress in the Police investigation into the abuse and to ask them directly what THEY would do to ensure that all the child victims of high profile predatory paedohiles that are currently suspected of child abuse, and who lurk in Parliament, are brought to Justice.

The question was directed toward Lillian Greenwood the Labour candidate for Clifton by a resident of Nottingham at a Hustings.  A Hustings is a PUBLIC meeting where candidates in the general election are invited to answer questions from local residents. . He grilled Lillan Greenwood, in front of about 100 local residents.



“It is well known that there have been problems with the Nottingham Tram tracks recently with them buckling. That issue, thankfully, has been address but at great cost. It was also disclosed to the publc.” he said, and went on…

“However, what has not been disclosed is that the entire cement consignment from a German company has been found, and admitted to be, substandard and further that it is predicted to be unable to withstand a harsh British winter. and that the entire tram line concrete now has to be dug up[ and replaced at a further staggering cost to the Nottinghamshire County and City.

This news was to be suppressed and covered up by the Labour run council from the voting public in Nottingham until AFTER the General Election. Can you tell me why that is?”


The resident said afterwards…”The rumble of discontent and disbelief by the members of the public in the room immediately after I finished speaking was distinctly clear. They murmered their unhappiness with this news and were clearly upset at being decieved by their Labour council.”

another attendee at the meeting said. ..”The look on Lilian Greenwood’s face was not one of endearment”

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