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Alex Jones Special Report.. TPP Gives Obama Power To Destroy America

Saturday, May 23, 2015 17:58
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» Special Report: TPP Gives Obama Power To Destroy America Alex Jones’ Infowars: There’s a war on for your mind!


In this exclusive emergency address, Alex breaks down the hidden reasons behind the sinister Trans Pacific Trade Partnership.

The TPP is global domination by a fascist cartel bent on enslaving the world. Now the Senate has given fast-track authority to Obama to implement this secret plan and set fire to our Constitution, rules of law and ultimately our liberty and way of life.

Kentucky Senator and presidential candidate Rand Paul was among a host of lawmakers who staunchly opposed the secrecy surrounding the Trans Pacific Partnership bill, saying he disagrees with the proposed legislation “being held under lock and key.”

“I’m hesitant to give blanket authority on stuff we haven’t seen,” Senator Paul said earlier this month.

Yesterday, Paul was one of only five republican senators that voted against the final “fast-track” bill, in a vote that passed 62-37. “Fast-track would allow Obama to send the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) deal to Congress for an up-or-down vote” sans the ability to negotiate amendments, notes The Hill. The TPA must still pass a House vote, which is why it’s imperative to contact your representatives and let them know you’re against H.R. 1314, the Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) or fast-track bill, which essentially grants the office of the president the power to do treaty by Executive Order.


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Total 2 comments
  • 32nd Degree Prince Hall & Knight of Malta Masonic Freemason Barry Davis ‘Obama’ just committed the ultimate and by far the biggest act of Treason yet to date.

    While Senate and Congress continue aiding and abetting an enemy of the state.

    The (TPP) Trans Pacific Partnership was the final nail in the coffin for the Bill of Rights and the Constitution.

    Passing the TPP before SHTF is extremely important for the joint partnership between the 11 nations divided into 10 different regions, more or less NAFTA on steroids. 

    The final pieces are in place to launch the biggest false flag terrorist attack this planet has ever seen.

    The fact is Zbigniew Brzezinski is a Roman Catholic Knight of Malta connected to the Jesuits of Georgetown University and was the mentor of Barry Davis, alias “Barack Hussein Obama” while attending Columbia University, now Columbia College, in New York.

    The fact is “Obama” was mentored by “ex-Jesuit” Greg Galluzzo of the Gamaliel Foundation when Obama was working the streets of Chicago.

  • Alex get all them google scripts off your site before going on about “Them watching you” because these spyware scripts ensure that google is watching all those that visit your site and stops me trusting a word you say.

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