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By Bunkerville, God, Guns and Guts
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Clinton latest email dump – ‘Owns Libya policy from start to finish’

Friday, May 22, 2015 5:50
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No big surprise. Check out the PDF e-mail and who all was all copied. One can only wonder why some names had to be scrubbed. Libya is her baby. From start to finish. What different does it make? Ask Gaddafi. – Secretary of State Hillary Clinton had “leadership/ownership/stewardship of this country’s Libya policy from start to finish,” says an email written by one of Clinton’s top aides–and forwarded to Clinton herself–as the Libyan rebellion that sought the overthrow of Muammar Qadhafi appeared to be nearing a triumphant moment.

The email is one of those the State Department has thus far given to the House Select Committee on Benghazi. It is among 349 pages of those emails that were obtained by the New York Times and that the Times has posted online in a PDF.

This email about Clinton’s “ownership” of U.S. Libya policy was sent—on the East Coast of the United States–at 7:40 p.m. on Sunday, August 21, 2011. By then, in Tripoli, Libya, it was already 1:40 a.m. on the morning of Monday, August 22.  More at  CNS

Filed under: War on Terror Tagged: gaddafi, Hillary Clinton, Libya, Qadhafi


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