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FBI investigates report that projectile Amtrak train before crash, as it's revealed two other trains were also struck that night

Friday, May 15, 2015 23:28
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A multi-partisan activist group established to expose and resist US imperialism, corpora-terrorism, and the New World Order

FBI investigates report that projectile hit windshield of Amtrak train moments before crash…as it's revealed TWO other trains were also struck that night  –Conductor on derailed train said she overheard Amtrak Train 188 engineer Brandon Bostian report on the radio that his train was hit in the windshield –

  • Moments later, at 9.21pm on Tuesday, the train derailed killing eight
  • At 9.05pm Tuesday, a different Amtrack train reported being struck in a window by an unknown object
  • At 9.10pm Tuesday, a northbound SEPTA regional rail train reported it had been 'hit by a rock or shot at' in the windshield
  • All three incidents happened within a few miles of 30th Street Station along the same stretch of track outside Philadelphia
    | 16 May 2015 | The FBI is investigating a report that the Amtrak train that crashed in Philadelphia on Tuesday night was struck in the windshield by a projectile moments before it derailed, killing eight and injuring 200. The new claim on Friday comes as investigators revealed that two other trains had suffered cracked windows after being hit by unknown objects just minutes before the deadly crash and only a few miles apart. 

    An assistant conductor on Amtrak Train 188 has told National Transportation Safety Board investigators she heard Amtrak engineer Brandon Bostain say that his train had been hit by something. Seconds later, the train careened off the tracks.

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