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This nice little old German lady is breaking the law. What she says in twenty minutes in this video could land her in prison for up to five years. That law is wrong.
Ursula is 86 and was recently featured on German TV – The first time anyone has taken on the Holocaust on German National TV:
If any one thing can cause the collapse of the house of cards it’s this. All you people that can see through the lies of 9/11 and other Government lies should spend a bit of time researching the Holocaust/holohoax. Very little evidence to support it and a mountain of evidence to debunk it. If this was exposed, the system would instantly lose all credibility.
Thats right findthetruth, years ago, they closed the MSN chatrooms, because the truth was getting out and thousands were being told the truth, and shown where to go to research the greatest hoax since the beginning of time. Now they want to not only make it impossible to discuss it because they know the tide is turning, but they want to limit the access to sites and proof by also controlling the internet. THE HOLOHOAX has caused more suffering and misery, more death, more distraction and evil to man then any other single thing. But the shekel will not wake up unless it is discussed, researched and debated. That is why everything and anything that might reverse this evil is going to be removed and or forbidden.
It’s unfair to deny this terrible history from jewish records…thousands of men, women and children were killed in this tragedy. BUT, it’s certain that the zionists are using this part of their history to justify the horrors they are doing today, the once sheeple is becoming now the WOLF, a return of karma, a result of being touched by the devil himself…May those who still live today from this terrible hitory forgive the rest of humanity that let it happen . In humanity’s history there is no black or white, there is always grey…