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A multi-partisan activist group established to expose and resist US imperialism, corpora-terrorism, and the New World Order
ISIS threatens IED attack as Phoenix Draw Muhammad competition gets underway with anti-Islam organizer and attendees arriving on the scene with guns –[Sociopath] Ritzheimer urged attendees to bring guns to the event and had shirts made that read 'F*** Islam' | 29 May 2015 | ISIS [I-CIA-SIS] is calling for lone wolf attacks on the man who has planned a Draw Muhammad contest in Phoenix tonight. Members of the militant group have taken to social media and posted the home address of Jon Ritzheimer, the anti-Islam creator of the event that is set to have over 600 people in attendance. One individual, Abu Hussain Al Brittani also mocked and threatened Ritzheimer in one tweet after the man urged attendees to bring their guns to the event, saying; 'Whats your little handguns going to do against an IED that sprays 3000+ ball bearings faster than the speed of sound? #Phoenix #AZ'