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By Bunkerville, God, Guns and Guts
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NYC thinking about amnesty for one Million open warrants

Tuesday, May 19, 2015 12:28
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(Before It's News)

Finally back at the Bunker. During the trip had my computer stolen. This $175.00 ASUS laptop doesn’t cut it after my Mac! Anywho, hope my readers are still hanging in. This short post ought to get the blood moving about. NYC is going to get the best of the Progressive movement. Enjoy the crime.

NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) — Police Commissioner Bill Bratton is behind a controversial proposal to grant amnesty to more than 1 million people with open warrants for low-level offenses.

But some experts worry it could cause crime to skyrocket.

First he called for reduced penalties for smoking marijuana. Now, Bratton wants to explore granting amnesty to 1.2 million city residents with open warrants for low-level offenses, people who run the risk of being arrested for failing to resolve tickets for drinking in public, disorderly conduct and the like, CBS2’s Marcia Kramer reported Monday.

There is one statistic that shows the magnitude of the problem. Last year, of the hundreds of thousands of tickets that were given out for low-level offenses, fully 40 percent of the people either skipped the proceedings or didn’t show up, Kramer reported.

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Filed under: Government Tagged: amnesty, Crime, Deblasio, New york city, NYC


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