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Obama Takes Unexpected Setback On Trade Agenda As Fast Track Passes Senate

Saturday, May 23, 2015 8:28
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A multi-partisan activist group established to expose and resist US imperialism, corpora-terrorism, and the New World Order

Obama Takes Unexpected Setback On Trade Agenda As Fast Track Passes Senate | 23 May 2015 | President Barack Obama's trade agenda suffered a setback Friday evening during a series of last-minute maneuvers in the Senate. While the upper chamber eventually passed a bill that would help Obama streamline a trade pact with 11 Pacific nations, the final product threw a wrench into the president's plans … But a key crackdown on human trafficking survived the legislative jujitsu. The White House considers the provision a deal-breaker, as it would force one of the nations involved in the TPP talks — Malaysia — out of the agreement. An immigration-related amendment authored by Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) never got a vote, making it far more difficult for Obama to win over skeptical tea party Republicans in the House. [Obama's agenda is disrupted because a nation that deals in slaves cannot be included given the last-minute insertion of a clause barring human trafficking. Let that irony sink in. Here it is again: Obama is disappointed because a slave-trading nation will be excluded from TPP.]


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