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Poland pays $250,000 to victims of CIA rendition and torture

Friday, May 15, 2015 15:34
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A multi-partisan activist group established to expose and resist US imperialism, corpora-terrorism, and the New World Order

Poland pays $250,000 to victims of CIA rendition and torture | 15 May 2015 | Poland is paying a quarter of a million dollars to two terror suspects tortured by the CIA in a secret facility in this country – prompting outrage among many here who feel they are being punished for American wrongdoing. Europe's top human rights court imposed the penalty against Poland, setting a Saturday deadline. So far no US officials have been held accountable, but the European court of human rights has shown that it does not want to let European powers that helped the programme off the hook. The court also ordered Macedonia in 2012 to pay 60,000 Euros ($68,000/£43,000) to a Lebanese-German man who was seized in Macedonia on erroneous suspicion of terrorist ties and subjected to abuse by the CIA.


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