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“The KGB boss described the Muslim world as a waiting petri dish, in which we could nurture a strain of hate-America.” – Lt. Gen. Ion Pacepa
The Cold War’s “most important defector,” Ion Mihai Pacepa, recently revealed that Liberation Theology “was the creation of the KGB, who exported it to Latin America as a way of introducing Marxism into the continent” and is traced to the 1968 “Conference of Latin American Bishops” as reported in a must-read article posted at Breitbart.
But Liberation Theology is only one of the many subversive creations of the KGB, who also fosters and promotes radical Islam as a “weapon against the West,” according to political commentator and New Zealand native Trevor Loudon, who is not at all surprised at the recent revelation that Liberation Theology was an invention of the KGB.
Loudon, whose book The Enemies Within:Communists, Socialists and Progressives in the US Congress is currently being made into a feature documentary, has been sounding the alarm about activities by communists in America for years. In fact, it was Loudon who first made the connection between President Barack Obama and his communist mentor Frank Marshall Davis.
Radical Islam “serves Moscow as a deniable weapon against the West,” Loudon said. The connections between radical Islam and communism have been documented here, here and here.
Consider the following by Daniel Greenfield:
Former KGB General Oleg Kalugin had said that many Al Queda terrorists were actually trained by the KGB. A sizable number of the Taliban’s top military people had Russian training as well.
Additionally, former KGB officer Alexander Litvinenko “alleged that al-Qaeda number two Ayman al-Zawahiri was trained by the FSB [formerly KGB] in Dagestan in the years before the 9/11 attacks,” as reported in his obituary at the BBC. As noted at the New American back in 2005, “al-Zawahiri had been very active as the purported top leader of Islamist terrorist operations in Bosnia-Herzegovina during Yugoslavia’s civil war.” As an aside, one of Litvinenko’s accused assassins opined that the whistle-blower accidentally poisoned himself last month.
Former KGB lieutenant colonel Konstantin Georgiyevich Preobrazhenskiy was granted asylum in the United States in 2006. According to Preobrazhenskiy, communists long considered Muslims as the “human resource” for the world revolution.
Watch a discussion here:
This article has been cross-posted at Broadside News.
Get Trevor Loudon’s NEW book: Barack Obama and the Enemies Within
no. radical islam is a tool of communists, yes, but not russian commies.
who benefits if muslims and christians kill each other?
hint: starts with j and ends with ews.
Your flag madam:
the people of the Crescent and the Cross
uh, no.
Wahhab, a crypto Jew, supported by his sponsor, another crypto-Jew, Ibn Saud, the progenitor of the kingdom by that name, denounced every generation before him, except for the earliest to have succeeded the Prophet Mohammed, known as the Salaf, as having fallen into Kufr (apostacy). In other words, he rejected the entire era that produced the details of Islamic legal tradition and the Maddhabs. Instead, he called for a return to the sources, the Quran and Sunnah, undefiled by “human” opinion. He therefore also called a “Jihad” against the Muslims, first within Arabia, and ultimately against the Ottoman Empire.
In 1932, again with British support, the Saud clan seized control of Arabia, which they proceeded to name after themselves, and of al Haramain, the sacred precincts of Mecca and Medina, thus donning the very false pretense of being defenders of Sunni Islam. In 1933, they signed away oil concessions to the Rockefellers’ Standard Oil, remaining the chief source of petroleum to that company, which has now evolved into ExxonMobil, the world’s third largest company by revenue, and the second largest publicly traded company by market capitalization.
The extraordinary Saudi wealth was a key factor in their support for the spread of Wahhabism, as well as the related Salafi movement, which have since essentially become one. Salafism began in the last eighteenth century, headed by a notorious imposter and British agent by the name of Jamal ud Din al Afghani. Afghani was not only the Grand Master of the Freemasons of Egypt, but also purportedly a leading figure of the Hermetic Brotherhood of Luxor, which played a pivotal role in the rise of the European Occult Revival, leading to the Theosophical Society of H. P. Blavatsky, considered the godmother of the New Age movement, and of the Golden Dawn and then eventually the Ordo TEmpli Orientis (OTO) of Aleister Crowley. Afghani was also an original source of the Masonic teachings of the wayward Nation of Islam in the US.
Like the Wahhabis, the focus of the Salafi mission was to call for a re-opening of the Doors of Ijtihad, and Afghani’s leading disciple Mohammed Abduh, was installed by the British as Mufti at the prestigious university of al Azhar, where he proceeded to use that pretence re-write the laws of Islam to suit the purposes of his sponsors. In Afghani’s own words, as cited in Elie Kedourie, Afghani and Abduh: An Essay on Religious Unbelief and Political Activism in Modern Islam
We ARE NOT responsible for Islam!!!
All we have ever do is try to protect our Salafism apprentices from these damn Arabs!!”!