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Shafting America and The American Worker — The Process Continues…

Sunday, May 17, 2015 13:55
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All anyone needs to know about the Obozo trade deal is that the major details remain secret, under lock and key.  Senators and Representatives can “access” the “deal” by entering a guarded room.   They cannot makes copies of anything, take photos or use any other method of gathering information.   If they take written notes, the notes must be destroyed before they exit the guarded room.   That’s assuming, of course, that they can wade thru the thousands of pages of details of this deal and find what they may be seeking.  

So this is the “most transparent administration” we have ever had in DC?   What a sick joke!   Obozo is a creature of the Wall Street cartels that seek to continue to bury the American Worker and destroy the Middle Class in the U.S.   If the animatronic robot who poses as President was so cock sure that the details of this agreement would benefit the U.S. worker or the Middle Class, it would already have been up on the Internet for debate and discussion.  Instead, they will post it for 60 days after they have made all modifications to the document, during which time you can be sure that this administration will perform their usual blackmail to get the votes for passage, as well as “fast track” authority, which is just another way to say that there will be no genuine debate upon the merits of this proposal in the Congress or the Senate. 

The process of the economic destruction started by NAFTA and GATT will only be continued and accelerated under this clown and his posse.   Anyone sufficiently stupid to somehow equate the secrecy involved in this “deal” with open government and something that will actually benefit America is suffering from a cranial/rectal inversion.

“Free” trade is NOT “Fair Trade.”   Fair trade only exists on a level economic playing field.  “Free trade” sounds good, but the reality is that it will only benefit the owners of the companies who can continue to outsource labor or import cheap labor to perform advanced skills while requiring their US workforce to train their own job replacements.  

The entire procedure as well as the document itself is, like Obozo, a total fraud and sham, a travesty against American and a betrayal of the principles upon which this Nation was founded.


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