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Ever since Marco Rubio ran in Florida as a Conservative, promising he would secure the Southern Border, BEFORE even considering amnesty, and then was manipulated by “Chuckles” Schumer into becoming the “Conservative” (NOT) spokesperson for the so-called “Gang of 8″, which advocated AMNESTY,and then (salient word being “THEN”) PROMISED to tackle the wide open Southern Border, I wouldn’t give Rubio the time of day.
He is a smooth talking, lying, shark in the kiddie pool, and the only way he’ll ever get my vote would be to pry my ballot from my cold, dead, fingers, and fraudulently cast my vote, for Rubio. He is the quientisential American, who lies out of one side of his mouth, while making dirty deals out of the other). Furthermore, his father was born in CUBA, and Rubio is no more “Natural Born” than King Ovomitus.
President Reagan was once finagled into granting amnesty on the Democrat’s (wink and a nod) that they’d then close the border. Later, Reagan said it was the biggest mistake of his presidency. Think of it this way, around 1980, Reagan granted amnesty to illegal aliens on the Demmiecrap’s promise that they’d then secure the border. So there were ZERO (imagine that ZERO, ZILCH, ZIPPO) illegal aliens here in 1980. Today, merely 35 years later, America is inundated with 30,000,000 MILLION ILLEGAL ALIENS, with the titular president trying to see the country overrun by illegal aliens, hispanics and Muslims, before his term ends, or he is righteously, KICKED OFF THE HILL.
Many of those illegals plan to pull Ft Hood type attacks in the homeland; just because we haven’t felt the burn of their terrorists yet, don’ be a fool and think there aren’t demented morons in America planning terrorist acts in Allah’s name. Many knowledgeable Republicans contested Obama’s eligibility to be President because his father was born in what is now called Kenya, saying Obama was NOT Natural Born because his father was alien. They were right and the same law applies to Rubio and Cruz. The last thing we need do, is to hand the Demmiecraps a reason to challenge our candidate and call Republicans hypocrites. Finally, the rumor floating around that the Republicans, MUST run a Hispanic, if they want the Hispanic vote is a bunch of Progressive hogwash.
Patriotic American Hispanics, who came to America legitimally, will vote for the best candidate and almost anyone, even Tiny Tim, is a better candidate than the lying, stealing, foot in mouth diseased, brain tumorous, Hillary the Witch (not my label, that’s how Hillary describes herself.) Jeb Bush can rot, too. He’s a toady for the GOP/RNC. Reagan beat that corrupt Republican Chiefs Club and so will Governor’s Walker and Perry, with Tea Party support. This is it, folks, either we take America back and follow the Constitution closely, or, we can kiss America goodbye and say hello to the NWO (which, incidentally, was first mentioned in America by Jeb’s father when he was President. REMEMBER?)
The Southern Border is being left wide open because that is what the NWO masters command. I pity all of you who don’t yet understand the evil that is closing in America everyday. I’d gladly vote for Donald Trump, an unquestionably patriotic American with NO Natural Born issue, than I’d vote for Rubio or Cruz. There’s only one way Hillary the Witch could win, to wit: if we stupidly run Rubio or Cruz or Jeb Bush who has more ties to Saudi royalty than a hotdog vendor in Cental Park has hotdogs at 8 AM on a warm, bright, and clear, Sunday morning.