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Dylann Roof didn’t make the Confederate Battle Flag poisonous. The media is responsible.
Rod Dreher writes:
“Liberal Yankees didn’t do this to the Confederate battle flag. Dylann Roof did. Look at that picture if you want to know who finally drove this flag from public life.”
Dylann Roof is innocent of something. He’s innocent of the way the “national conversation” about the Confederate Battle Flag has unfolded over the last 48 hours. This is genuinely not his fault.
How come? It’s because if Dylann Roof had been a member of a favored minority group like, say, Floyd Corkins or Ismaaiyl Brinsley, who was a vocal supporter of the #BlackLivesMatter movement who drove to New York City to put “wings on pigs” last December, then his actions would have been dismissed by the Jewish media as the work of a lone madman. Brinsley set out to #ShootThePolice and he explicitly said he was doing it in the name of Michael Brown and Eric Garner.
Ismaaiyl Brinsley didn’t stop the anti-police movement
The key difference between New York City and Charleston, or Baltimore/Ferguson and Charleston, is that the Jewish media already hated the Confederate Battle Flag, but supported the #BlackLivesMatter movement. This is why black radicals can get away with shooting police officers, rioting, looting, and burning down cities like Los Angeles without anyone like Al Sharpton or the Civil Rights Movement suffering any consequences or loss of prestige from it. This is why the media can push one race hoax after another without skipping a beat when a lone fanatic self detonates.
Indeed, it doesn’t matter how bad black people in America behave. Even if they murder White people, black privilege means that they will get away it. The Council of Conservative Citizens has been condemned for talking about this double standard. We’re not supposed to talk about it because in our time, which is Black Run America, its a truism that White lives aren’t worth fussing about. The precious feelings of black people are worth more than the blood of the victims of black violence.
As Matt Heimbach accurately point out, shit like that is what made Dylann Roof a ticking time bomb. When the news broke of Roof’s horrific actions, his actions were almost universally condemned across the White Nationalist movement. Indeed, Roof acted alone precisely because no one wanted to be a part of his mad scheme. He never reached out to anyone because he expected rejection.
Now that we are witnessing this disgusting pile on though, a moment of genuine empathy for the victims of Charleston is passing, and we are being reminded of how much we loathe those who are taking advantage of this tragedy. With every Confederate flag that is burned, every Confederate monument is desecrated, and every Confederate flag that is torn down by gutless politicians, the realization is starting to dawn that Southern identity is irreconcilable with American identity.
If Dylann Roof had been an Islamic terrorist like Major Nidal Hasan or the Tsarnaev Brothers, would we be witnessing this cultural genocide? The answer is “no” because the Jewish media and the entire political establishment would have gone on television to insist that “Islam is a religion of peace” and that “moderate Muslims” are not extremists and that only “hateful bigots” would blame an entire religious faith.
How many Dylann Roofs are being created out there? We will never know. Rest assured of this though, if a black fanatic had gunned down a White congregation, or a Muslim terrorist flew a plane into into the Empire State Building, it would have been labeled a horrible tragedy, but nothing would have come of it.