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Oklahoma Democrats held their statewide convention this last weekend, at which time they selected a new chairman to lead the Democrats in the state. Mark Hammons beat former Vice Chair Dana Orwin, 306-216, to assume the position formerly held by Wallace Collins.
Ahhh, Wallace Collins. The Democratic Party in Oklahoma has taken a shellacking under his leadership. A post I wrote two years ago is a good summary of the ‘success’ Democrats have had with Collins as chairman.
OK Politechs May 19, 2013 – In a piece of great news for Oklahoma Republicans this weekend, Wallace Collins was reelected chairman of the Oklahoma Democratic Party. Collins was first elected to the position in 2011 and Oklahoma Democrats have taken a beating ever since, even from their own chairman.
Since Collins became chairman, Democrats have lost every statewide elected office, lost seats in the state House and the Senate, Obama failed to win a single county in the presidential election and the lone Democrat-held Congressional seat is now occupied by a Republican.
In the Oklahoma presidential primary in 2012, President Obama lost fifteen counties to two other Democrats, one a publicity-seeking antiabortionist. After the results came in, Collins said, “Racism is alive and well in Oklahoma.”Apparently, someone forgot to remind Collins that Oklahoma has closed primaries and any ‘racism’ was confined to his own Democratic party.
Also during the 2012 presidential election cycle Collins made remarks comparing the Tea Party to a domestic terrorist, saying if Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh were alive today he would be in the Tea Party. When asked about the comment and given an opportunity to backtrack, he doubled down and said, “I certainly stand by my remarks, because it’s widely known that McVeigh was anti-government. I think that he was a right-winger, and I think the current tea party people, while I’m not saying that they’re proposing violence, they’re anti-government. They dislike the government. I don’t know if you’d call them a government hater, but I certainly see them in a similar vein. Maybe they’re an offshoot or offspring or next generation.”
Among the accomplishment Collins brags about during his two years as chairman is recruiting at gay pride parades and hanging more pictures of Obama in state party headquarters.
Under Collins’ tutelage the Democrats in Oklahoma have also lost their advantage in registered voters. When Collins assumed the chairmanship in 2011, registered Democrats outnumbered registered Republicans 999,943 to 849,332. As of January 2015 the Republicans now outnumber the Democrats, 886,153 to 882,686.
After Hammons was elected chairman, Collins said he “hopes the new officers will continue the work of the last four years and build on the strong foundation that has been laid.”
Amen, sir. Here’s hoping the Democrats continue on the foundation you laid and have the continued success that has been accomplished in the last four years. Perhaps in another four years there will be no elected Democrats left in the State of Oklahoma.
Farewell, Mr. Collins. Oklahoma Republicans will miss you.