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In Syria, ISIS Begins Destruction of Palmyra

Wednesday, June 24, 2015 8:03
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(Before It's News)

ISIS is blowing up ancient landmarks in Syria.

Isn’t this interesting? The US federal government believes that Southerners should serve in its military and fight these fanatics to spread Americanism in Iraq and Syria. Meanwhile, our own domestic version of ISIS is calling for and doing the exact same thing here in our own cities and towns all across the South.

In Montgomery, they are led by the Republican governor, Robert Bentley.

Note: Don’t forget that Islam is a “religion of peace,” but Southerners are evil and violent.


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  • They will Not stop their war of aggression on the south until every last vestige of the Confederacy is destroyed and ground into dust. The war is not over until they cease their attacks and repression on the South and it’s symbols.

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