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John Doull on C-51 ‘Freedom Comes From Within, Not From The Government’

Monday, June 15, 2015 18:50
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Freedom Comes From Within, Not From The Government – John Doull on C-51 – YouTube


Winnipeg Alternative Media

On May 30th, 2015 during WAM’s ‘Peoples’ March Against Bill C-51′, John

Doull took the stage at Winnipeg’s City Hall to speak on the message of

freedom. He made sure to note what many voluntaryists have been trying

to explain for many generations that freedom cannot be given to people

by the government as it is intrinsic and comes from within.


mentioned the fact that no party will bring us freedom but that we

ourselves need to stand up and protect our own freedoms as the creator

and holder of such freedoms.

The crowd loved what he had to say and

for good reason! John Doull has done great work in the past for Winnipeg

Alternative Media and is sure to bring the cold hard but inspiring

truth to people for many years. We’re looking forward to continuing to

work with him!

Check out Winnipeg’s Food Not Bombs on Fridays at the Selkirk Avenue Bell Tower where John volunteers.


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