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Justices say it's enough to cite terrorism in declining visa applicant

Tuesday, June 16, 2015 0:20
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A multi-partisan activist group established to expose and resist US imperialism, corpora-terrorism, and the New World Order

Justices say it's enough to cite terrorism in declining visa applicant | 15 June 2015 | The Supreme Court [5-4 vote] ruled Monday that the federal government does not owe a naturalized citizen a detailed explanation when it refuses to give her foreign husband an immigration visa. A majority of the court [the usual dirt-bags] said it is enough for the government to declare the immigrant has been denied entry because of terrorism concerns and not list specific allegations that the spouse or applicant can then contest. The five most-consistent conservatives said Fauzia Din cannot prevail in her suit, although they disagreed on the reason. The four liberals said Din's fundamental right to marry required the government to give her more of an explanation for why her Afghan husband cannot join her in the United States.


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  • all this guy needs to do is tell the gvt he’s a mexican and they’ll fly him in!

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