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Rod Dreher on Confederate Battle Flag

Monday, June 22, 2015 7:43
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Is the Confederate Battle Flag just baggage?

Is the Confederate Battle Flag just baggage?

Rod Dreher’s latest piece on the Confederate Battle Flag illustrates why so many people have such a hard time taking him seriously:

“True, Dylann Roof did not display the Confederate battle flag in his rampage inside the church, but it can’t be denied that the Dylann Roofs of the Civil Rights era, and their fellow travelers, did openly associate that flag with their cause. In light of what just happened in Charleston, and considering things from the point of view of black Southerners, I believe that the Confederate battle flag is simply too tainted as a symbol to be displayed in good conscience anymore. …”

As I said in the OD comments, if the CofCC or the Confederate Battle Flag is responsible for Dylann Roof’s heinous actions, then the #BlackLivesMatter movement is equally responsible for burning down Ferguson and Baltimore, and inspiring the fanatic Ismaaiyl Brinsley to put “pigs in a blanket” in New York City.


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