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By: Cliff Kincaid
Accuracy in Media
Remember the wholesome programs “Touched by an Angel” and “Highway to Heaven?” How things have changed. Fox is preparing a new show simply called “Lucifer,” starring Satan as a good guy.
Broadcaster Jerry Kenney suggests a new title, “I Love Lucifer,” which more accurately captures the trends in the media these days.
A popular network show, ABC’s “The Bachelorette,” took a surprising turn when two men competing for the same attractive woman suddenly took a sexual interest in each other.
But showering praise on the gay lifestyle is getting to be old hat.
Our media are indeed consumed with the most extreme of the sexual minorities available, and they can’t wait to seize on another oddball behavior to promote on national television. Hence, the “rights” of so-called transgenders are the big new thing. Thanks to Bruce/Caitlyn Jenner, they have taken center stage.
Here’s the promo for the latest ABC show, “Becoming Us,” which aired on Monday night on the ABC Family network: “Ben, from Evanston, Ill. is your typical 17-year-old. He goes to school, hangs out with his girlfriend, and enjoys spending time with his family. But there’s something unique about Ben’s situation: His father is becoming a woman.”
ABC Family is owned by Disney, once known for pro-family programming. It is the parent company of ABC News. It was the ABC Family show “The Fosters” which featured a gay kiss a couple of months ago between two of the family drama’s 13-year-old male characters.
This is how the wholesome term “family” is being twisted into something it is not.
You can’t even switch channels without getting hit in the face with the endless promotion of “alternative” lifestyles and sexual perversion.
CNN’s lesbian commentator Sally Kohn was offended by Republican GOP presidential candidate Mike Huckabee joking about transgenders, about how a boy, or even a man, could claim to be a girl just to go into the girls’ dressing rooms. “For those who do not think that we are under threat,” Huckabee said, “simply recognize that the fact that we are now in city after city watching ordinances say that your 7-year-old daughter, if she goes into the restroom, cannot be offended and you can’t be offended if she’s greeted there by a 42-year-old man who feels more like a woman than he does a man.”
“Now I wish that someone told me that when I was in high school, that I could have felt like a woman when it came time to take showers in PE [physical education],” said Huckabee. “I’m pretty sure that I would have found my feminine side and said, ‘Coach, I think I’d rather shower with the girls today.’”
Turning to his audience, he said, “You’re laughing because it sounds so ridiculous, doesn’t it?
When WorldNetDaily posted the joke, its entire YouTube channel was suspended. Kohn determined that Huckabee, not the behavior he was describing, was creepy.
In another indication of current trends, when Catholic Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone of San Francisco commented on the Bruce Jenner problem by noting that the “clear biological fact is that a human being is born either male or female,” The Huffington Post ran a story about his “sad but predictable” comments.
That’s right: it’s now “sad” to point out the biological facts of life.
Cordileone added, “Yet now we have the idea gaining acceptance that biological sex and one’s personal gender identity can be at variance with each other, with more and more gender identities being invented.”
If present trends continue, he warned of “a reversion to the paganism of old, but with unique, postmodern variations on its themes, such as the practice of child sacrifice, the worship of feminine deities, or the cult of priestesses.”
But the media, it seems, just can’t do enough for this particular sexual minority group, inevitably paving the way for recognition of the next stage in the sexual revolution—pedophile rights.
The New York Times ran a front-page story headlined, “Transgender Children’s Books Fill a Void and Break a Taboo.” The paper reported, “This year, children’s publishers are releasing around half a dozen novels in a spectrum of genres, including science fiction and young adult romance, that star transgender children and teenagers.”
In competition with The New York Times in “breaking news” coverage of the transgenders, The Washington Post has run such titles as:
It’s almost as if the state of “transgender America” is at a crisis point and that the American people are demanding coverage of this urgent national issue. But I doubt it.
Meanwhile, in Washington, D.C. on Saturday, June 13, the gay Pride Parade gets underway, presented by Marriott, with a Parade Family Fun Zone, face painting, balloon art, snacks, and more!
To be sure, there are stories about other alarming developments in America, such as the Post’s account of “pot-smoking” parents, desperate to hide their addiction from their children.
Against this trend of one perversity after another, we see a few conservative personalities in the media giving in, while claiming that their adoption of what used to be radical liberal standards of morality now constitutes the new conservative position.
Hence, Greg Gutfeld of Fox News has declared that “gay marriage, in my opinion, is a conservative idea.”
Professor Paul Kengor, author of Takedown: From Communists to Progressives, How the Left Has Sabotaged Family and Marriage, obliterates Gutfeld’s alleged conservative rationale, noting in The American Spectator that “Conservatism aims to conserve the time-tested values, ideas, and principles that have been sustained over time by previous generations and traditions.”
On that basis, he goes on, “Gay marriage, merely by its total newness alone, fails that rudimentary definition. Gay marriage has never been done before. One would never expect a conservative to rush into something as utterly unprecedented—and that directly repudiates the laws of nature and nature’s God…”
The Gutfeld commentary is truly “sad,” to use the term from The Huffington Post.
It is really sad because Gutfeld was one of the young conservatives who went through the National Journalism Center of the late M. Stanton Evans. Evans understood what conservatism really was, and warned that acceptance of gay rights constituted a return to pagan practices.
It is probably the case that Gutfeld is trying to appear “hip” and cool,” in order to appeal to the libertarians and progressives, and hype the ratings for his new show on the Fox News Channel.
Ironically, however, in his new book, Not Cool, Gutfeld tries to come across as politically incorrect, saying, “The cool fawn over terrorists, mock the military, and denigrate employers.”
But he’s fawning over one of the latest progressive causes, that of gay marriage. Can his endorsement of transgenderism be far behind? After all, doesn’t Bruce/Caitlyn Jenner claim to be a Republican?
This trend caught the sympathetic eye of the Media Matters group, run by a homosexual and former conservative by the name of David Brock. Media Matters ran the item, “Has Fox News Evolved On Marriage Equality, Too?”
It turns out Gutfeld is not alone at Fox. During the January 21 edition of Fox’s program “The Five,” co-hosts Dana Perino and Eric Bolling, according to Media Matters, “admitted that they agreed with the President on same-sex marriage, opting instead to half-heartedly criticize Obama for changing his position on the issue.”
The far-left “media watchdog” noted that the program returned to the topic the next night and that Gutfeld declared, “I was for gay marriage before Obama!,” while Perino “denied that the Republican Party was opposed to marriage equality” and asked, “who talks about gay marriage anymore?”
It appears that those who are talking about gay marriage in a negative manner are not going to be getting much attention from Fox News.
This is how the so-called herd mentality of the media operates, and how views that used to be conservative are marginalized and even transformed into something they are not.
This is what in fact has happened in Britain, where the Conservative Party has enthusiastically embraced gay marriage and Christians are losing their jobs—and even being arrested for objecting to the new politically correct view.
There is, however, some good news from Britain, where a woman named Sarah Mbuyi has won her case for wrongful dismissal. She had been fired for a conversation with a colleague about homosexuality and gay marriage.
The group Christian Concern reports that the 31-year-old Mbuyi was fired from her job at a nursery in West London after having a conversation with a homosexual colleague in which she explained the biblical position on homosexuality and marriage. An employment tribunal found that Mbuyi had been discriminated against because of her beliefs.
It is this dangerous anti-Christian trend that traditional conservatives are trying to resist. It would be nice if they could find some support from the “conservative” Fox News Channel.
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