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UNHRC report: catering to the dictators’ club tastes

Monday, June 22, 2015 11:01
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(Before It's News) When a supposedly objective report is ‘citing a press release from Hamas’ military spokesperson Abu Obeida, saying that, “In some instances, Palestinian armed groups in Gaza reportedly attempted to warn civilians in Israel of imminent attacks”‘, you must smell something rotten.

Here is some antidote against the UN-issued poison, by Maurice Ostroff.

Although the Israel government refused to cooperate with the UN commission of inquiry on the 2014 Gaza War, a number of concerned citizens and NGO’s presented cogent well researched submissions to the Commission whose report is due to be released in advance of the scheduled June 29 debate before the Human Rights Council.

Unfortunately the commission’s refusal to open the evidence it has examined to public scrutiny will make it difficult for fair minded people to attempt to evaluate the report when it is published. However, a substantial listing on the internet, of some of the above mentioned informative documents that were submitted to the commission, will enable members of the public as well as journalists and politicians to make informed evaluations.

Both the listing in the link above and the rest of the Maurice Ostroff’s post are informative and will help an unprejudiced person to understand the subject matter.


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