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Valves with 'multiple faults' in EPR nuclear reactor pose meltdown risk, inspectors warn

Wednesday, June 10, 2015 14:53
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A multi-partisan activist group established to expose and resist US imperialism, corpora-terrorism, and the New World Order

Valves with 'multiple faults' in EPR nuclear reactor pose meltdown risk, inspectors warn –Flamanville third-generation EPR nuclear reactor – the same model Britain plans to use for two new plants at Hinkley Point – has multiple faults in crucial safety valves, inspectors warn | 09 June 2015 | Nuclear safety inspectors have found crucial faults in the cooling system of France's flagship new-generation nuclear power plant on the Channel coast, exposing it to the risk of meltdown. The third-generation European Pressurised Reactor currently under construction in Flamanville is the same model that Britain plans to use for two new plants at Hinkley Point in Somerset. France's nuclear safety watchdog found “multiple” malfunctioning valves in the Flamanville EPR that could cause its meltdown, in a similar scenario to the 1979 Three Mile Island nuclear accident in the US.


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