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White House press room evacuated following bomb threat

Tuesday, June 9, 2015 13:37
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A multi-partisan activist group established to expose and resist US imperialism, corpora-terrorism, and the New World Order

White House press room evacuated following bomb threat | 09 June 2015 | The White House press room was evacuated midway through a daily briefing for reporters on Tuesday after secret service agents took the unusual step of interrupting the press secretary, Josh Earnest, to warn of a bomb threat. An agent dramatically announced on live television: “We need to evacuate the press room.” The event followed a “telephonic bomb threat” to Washington DC police which forced a sweep of the room by agents with dogs but did not lead to other parts of the White House being evacuated. Approximately half an hour later, the all-clear was sounded by the secret service who allowed the briefing to resume.


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