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Greece Takes Another Step To Become An Equal Member Of The BRICS – Episode 696 – YouTube
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Report date: 6.19.2015
and Greece sign the pipeline deal. Greece is in preliminary discussions
which is another another step to become and equal member of the BRICS.
IMF trained journalist and academics to push the idea that this level of
debt is sustainable. Leaked information shows the Greek banks might
shutdown over the weekend and implement capital controls. Hershey laying
off 300 employees. Caterpillar sales decline again signaling a
depression. Obama care co-ops near financial collapse. EU extends trade
deal ban on Crimea. Saudi Arabia trying to bribe Russia again to step
aside and let the US, Israel and the coalition forces remove Assad
.Charleston shooter Dylann Storm Roof was reportedly taking a drug that
has been linked with sudden outbursts of violence
All source links to the report can be found on the site.