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X22Report U.S. Government Mobilizing Forces In Ukraine For The Next Offensive – Episode 691

Thursday, June 11, 2015 19:35
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U.S. Government Mobilizing Forces In Ukraine For The Next Offensive – Episode 691 – YouTube


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Report date: 6.11.2015

is asking for an extension but talks broke down and the IMF walked out.
S&P downgrades Greece in fears of a default. As stores go out of
business and more people are laid off, automakers are again channel
stuffing to increase retail sales. Homeland security secretly video
taping to predict crime in airports. Ukraine building up forces and the
US is releasing the first group of trained soldiers. US and Kiev are now
mobilizing forces moving military assets and preparing for a major
offensive. US opening another base and additional hubs to combat the IS.
The IS is such a great threat to the middle east and to the world the
US cannot come up with a strategy to defeat them, why? The IS was
created and is funded by the US to cause chaos in the middle east which
will allow them to split up the middle east and to remove Assad.

All source links to the report can be found on the site.


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