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A multi-partisan activist group established to expose and resist US imperialism, corpora-terrorism, and the New World Order
Court asked to kill off NSA's 'zombie dragnet' of Americans' bulk phone data | 14 July 2015 | The leading civil liberties group in the United States has requested a federal court to stop the National Security Agency from collecting Americans’ phone data in bulk through the end of the year. While the surveillance dragnet was phased out by Congress and Barack Obama last month, an American Civil Liberties Union suit seeks to end a twilight, zombie period of the same US phone records collection, slated under the new law to last six months. “Today the government is continuing — after a brief suspension — to collect Americans' call records in bulk on the purported authority of precisely the same statutory language this court has already concluded does not permit it,” the ACLU writes in a motion filed on Tuesday before the second circuit court of appeals.