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BY ANTHONY GUCCIARDI It was back in 2012 that I shared with you the results from a major Harvard study that revealed the dark relationship between IQ levels and sodium fluoride consumption. Specifically, the Harvard researchers detailed the fact that children who lived in areas with high sodium fluoride content had ‘significantly lower’ IQ than those in areas with less added fluoride content. What’s more, this research was published in a federal government medical journal known as Environmental Health Perspectives.
The researchers from Harvard specifically stated:
“The children in high fluoride areas had significantly lower IQ than those who lived in low fluoride areas.”
Remember, this was back in 2012. So why has almost nothing changed? A particularly valid question when we note that in 2011, the government actually called for ‘lower fluoride levels’ amid a growing body of research that it was negatively affecting the health of Americans.
Fast forward to April of 2015, and finally the federal government decides to lowerfluoride levels for the first time in 50 years. A monumental event in the history of water fluoridation and public health.
Now, in June of 2015, another landmark study has hit: sodium fluoride in the water supply isn’t even preventing cavities! Now is the time to make this a well-known study, instead of a footnote buried within the latest news feed. After all, it’s huge news that this information is finally being displayed by the mainstream media after years of anti-fluoride activists enduring the label ‘conspiracy theorist.’