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Sonnleitner for PCC board position #3

Tuesday, July 14, 2015 23:47
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(Before It's News)

Oregon Progressive Party has endorsed only one candidate during this special May 19, 2015 election,
Michael Sonnleitner. 

MIchael Sonnleitner is running for the board of directors of Portland Community College, Zone 3 covering much of SE and NE Portland. 

Michael has been a political science teacher at Portland Community College for the past 26 years.   Dr. Sonnleitner thinks increased and stable funding for education in Oregon needs comprehensive tax reform including personal income tax relief for many, a progressive corporate income tax favoring small businesses, and replacing the “kicker” law with a rainy day fund for hard times.

 For many, PCC provides the last chance to complete high  school or improve skills needed in today’s workforce.  As a member of the PCC community, Michael recalls how voters have generously approved 3 large bond measures, including $374 million in 2008 which dramatically expanded PCC’s capacity to serve students. Sadly, this generosity, is being  negated by inadequate state budget allocations and increased costs to students, resulting in record student debts (larger than all U,S. credit card debt combined). As a result, enrollments continue to decline and society is left with an increasingly underserved and discouraged population.    
Lets Elect a PCC teacher to the PCC  Board for the first time ever! 
In this election, an experienced educator and community activist with a personal understanding of PCC can best help the PCC Board cope with the many challenges ahead.  A VOTE for Michael Sonnleitner will be a vote for the first PCC teacher to be elected to the PCC Board.
How you can help!
Help the Oregon Progressive Party elect an experienced teacher to the PCC Board who knows the problems facing community colleges and their students because he has direct experience with and in the school.  You can help.

1) Mobilize Canvass Volunteers (from base at 1037 S.E. 80th Ave., Pdx., OR 97215)
      * every Saturday & Sunday at 2pm, including 4/18, 4/19, 4/25, 4/26, 5/2, & 5/3.

2) Join Phone Calling Efforts to reach 10,000 likely voters including a Progressive Party Phone Bank 7-9pm on May 5th: (for info., contact: [email protected] )

3) Conduct Vigils & Other Visibility Actions on M.W.F. mornings 7-8am along busy streets including SE Powell and SE 82nd Ave. (contact: [email protected] )

4) Make a donation to the campaign via the campaign website:


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