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Time Lapse Video || White House Goes Rainbow

Saturday, July 4, 2015 1:01
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(Before It's News)

The White House videotaped the rainbow as it descended the night of Friday’s Supreme Court gay marriage decision.

What I’m wondering is, how were they so sure? By their comments before these decisions are announced, it seems to me they know what’s coming, because they appear to be trying to influence the justices, either to change their vote – which John Roberts seems to have done during the first case involving Obamacare, as Obama menaced the Court – or to try to make sure they don’t change their votes.

My guess is that Elena Kagan, who is close to many people around the president and in fact served in the White House herself under Bill Clinton, rings someone up to make sure the White House is aware of what’s up.

But that’s just a guess. And I don’t think it would be against the law, although it would probably a breach of protocol. But protocol is a very quaint notion for this White House and its allies.


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