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Trump Tops Polls, Easy To Explain As He Does Opposite Of What “Experts” Say

Tuesday, July 14, 2015 15:00
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(Before It's News)

WASHINGTON — Donald Trump has surged to the top of a crowded Republican presidential field, a USA TODAY/Suffolk University Poll finds, but the brash billionaire is also the weakest competitor among the top seven GOP candidates against Democrat Hillary Clinton.


-Videos, pictures and article about Trump Poll



So many simply are in favor of him for celebrity.  But his ace in the hole is being what Marxists call “politically incorrect”.  Most in the Republican field are cookie cutter politicians who do what their political advisers tell them to.  Trump does the opposite.  And sometimes there is substance to it, such as Trump being the little boy in “The Emperor’s Clothes” story who points out what everyone knows, but is afraid to say, that the emperor has no clothes.

In terms of substance the parallel is the forged birth certificate and forged draft card of Obama.

ObamaDraftCardCollage-397x420 (1)

It has been declared a forgery after an in-depth police investigation, yet who else is willing to say that? 

This is how Trump differentiates himself and attracts serious people.  People who like to hear forbidden truths and listen to someone that does not allow the “Thought Police” to control him.  At the same time his speeches are often wall to wall I, Me, I Me bragging, somewhat like Obama.  Listen to him.  I have been a business executive in several fields and would not hire Trump after listening to him, and even more so, not Obama.

As for policy according to Wikipedia, Trump was a registered Democrat from 2001 to 2009 and Bill and Hillary went to his wedding and Bill has pointed out Trump was an early contributor to the “Clinton Foundation”.

The same poll that puts him at #1 at 17% says he has the worst negatives of any candidate.

What this poll indicates is that if a Republican candidate fired their “handlers” and told taboo truths, they would win the nomination.

If a candidate without Trump’s negatives would tell the truth about taboo subjects, they would experience a groundswell of support, in this reporters opinion. Read More:


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