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Christie, Paul have epic clash at debate

Thursday, August 6, 2015 21:44
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A multi-partisan activist group established to expose and resist US imperialism, corpora-terrorism, and the New World Order

Christie, Paul have epic clash at debate | 06 Aug 2015 | New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie got into a verbal brawl over government surveillance with Sen. Rand Paul (Ky.) on Thursday evening during the first Republican presidential debate of the 2016 cycle. The two began yelling over each other about the National Security Agency (NSA), with Paul fiercely criticizing Christie's call for the government to increase the powers of U.S. intelligence agencies. “I want to collect more records from terrorists but less records from innocent Americans,” said Paul, the Senate's most prominent libertarian. That's a “completely ridiculously answer,” responded Christie, a former U.S. attorney who pursued cases using powers under the Patriot Act. “How are you supposed to know?” “You support the Fourth Amendment!” Paul yelled in response. “Get a warrant! Get a judge to sign a warrant!” [*Exactly.*]


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