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Finally: Congress Going to Defund UN, IAEA

Sunday, August 30, 2015 9:44
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(Before It's News)

Fellow Conservative,

Earlier this month, I told you about Congress’ plan to defund the United Nations and the International Atomic Energy Agency.

When news broke that the IAEA had struck a side deal with the Iranians, we learned just how bad this Iran deal was. In their most notorious nuclear site, the Iranians will be allowed to self-inspect and self-certify that they’re no longer building nuclear weapons.

If a convicted child molester were let out on parole, would you let him self-certify that he wasn’t spending time around kids? Would you let a paroled drug dealer self-certify that he no longer had a gun?

No. That would be absolute chaos. There are parole officers for a reason. Criminals cannot be trusted to self-certify. There has to be some sort of trust there because parole officers can’t be present 24/7. But just like Ronald Reagan said, the goal is to “trust, but verify.”

Now, the Obama administration is making the same mistake with Iran. IAEA inspectors have been in the Parchin military complex on and off since 2004. There are literally hundreds of pages of documents showing that Iran conducted nuclear bomb work and tests at the Parchin complex. Now, all of a sudden, they’re not allowed to enter and Iran is going to self-certify that it isn’t building nuclear weapons there anymore. IAEA inspectors are going to wait outside the walls of the complex while Iran collects soil samples.

This isn’t about Left vs. Right or Republican vs. Democrat. This is about making sure that Iran doesn’t build a nuclear bomb and, unfortunately, the Obama/IAEA Iran paves the road towards a nuclear Iran.

Don’t let the UN and IAEA give Iran the path to the bomb! Tell Congress to defund the IAEA and put a stop to this madness once and for all!

I’ve read the IAEA’s deal with Iran and the international agency doesn’t really have to do anything. They are trusting the Iranians to collect all soil samples.

So you can imagine my shock to hear that the IAEA is soliciting $10 million more to finance its Iran “monitoring.” The United States already gives this agency $88 million a year of taxpayer money. Now they want more from us so that Iran can self-inspect.

It’s time to pull the plug. It’s time to stop funding this agency entirely. Other countries will be able to fill the $10 million gap. But if we completely pull out of funding the IAEA, it would have an almost $90 million shortfall and the agency’s side deal with Iran would be toast.

It’s not hard. Congress has to pass a budget for next year in the next week or so. Unless we rise up and demand this, these patsies in Congress will give in.

Do you know whose idea this was? Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC). It just goes to show that even a broken clock is right twice a day. He may be polling at 0%, but he is absolutely right on this. There is no reason for the United States to be financing this madness.

When Congress passed the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act, and the President signed it into law, one of the requirements was that Obama present ALL relevant side deals to Congress for consideration. The Obama administration deliberately tried to hide this IAEA side deal from Congress.

So, the solution is simple: cut the cord. End this welfare once and for all!

Congress will be voting on a 2016 budget. It is up to you to make sure that the $88 million going to the IAEA is removed permanently!

Don’t let Congress finance this horrible side deal with Iran! Demand that they defund the UN and IAEA!


Joe Otto

Conservative Daily



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