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Over 1 year Ago I wrote this: Independents Fueling Trump–Establishment Dems and Repubs Running Scared, Not From Trump, But From The American People

Friday, August 7, 2015 11:20
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So the word is out! Attack, attack and attack some more. Every question to trump was set up with a negative. But this is good actually. It shows all the Independents; both conservative and liberal leaning, the powers that be Do Not want TRUMP!
Fox is considered to be Conservative and somewhat anti-establishment. But only just enough to keep viewers. In reality, the call has been made from the “powers that be” within the structure of both the establishment repubs and dems.
The fact the only thing establishment dems and repubs can get together and do is attack the #TrumpNation is the REASON why we need Trump! Even if he only does 10% of what he says he’ll do; just like Obama I might add, it will be a punishing 10% to the Establishment.
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Ordinary Human

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