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Just a Quarter of Americans Would Vote for Obama Today

Tuesday, August 11, 2015 6:51
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President Obama recently mused that he could probably win a third term because, in his opinion, he’s been a pretty darn good president.

Only, Americans beg to disagree.

According to a Monmouth University poll released Monday, only 26 percent would vote to re-elect Obama while 68 percent would vote for someone else. Even among Democrats, only 53 percent would give him their vote.

Perhaps part of the reason is that Americans think obama got taken to the cleaners by the Iranians.

Forty one percent say Iran got more of what it wanted from this deal, while just 14 percent feel the U.S. came out on top. Only 23 percent say that both countries benefited equally.

Only one in four Americans – 27 percent – say Congress should vote to approve the deal, while 32 percent say it should not and 41 percent aren’t sure.


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